播撒绿色希望 绽放和谐之美

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花开花落,云卷云舒,春色满园,众木成林,小溪欢唱,水天一色。坐落于长沙城郊南部的长郡湘府中学呈现出生态之美,自然清新,灵动舒展,和谐共生。自实施“生态德育”项目以来,湘府中学依托现有环境资源优势,以人与自然、人与社会、人与人和谐发展为宗旨,以生态情感和品德要素开发为切入点,整体构建生态校园环境人文化、生态德育课程多元化、生态主题德育系列化、生态班级创建特色化的“四化”建设格局。 Flowers blooming, cloud cirrus, spring garden, all wood Chenglin, streams singing, water and sky. Located in the southern suburbs of Changsha, Chang County, Hunan Province, middle school shows the beauty of ecology, natural fresh, Smart stretch, harmonious symbiosis. Since the implementation of the project of “ecological moral education”, Hunan Fuchuang High School has relied on the advantages of existing environmental resources, and has taken the harmonious development of man and nature, human and society, and human beings as its purpose. Taking the development of ecological emotions and moral elements as the starting point, Construct eco-campus environment of human culture, ecological moral education curriculum diversification, ecological themes of moral education series, ecological classes to create characteristics of the “four modernizations” construction pattern.
1病例介绍 患者,男,16岁,出生后即发现右眼视物不见,曾诊为“先天性青光眼”。近2年来,左眼虹视,鼻根发酸,视力逐渐下降,眼压波动在4.77~7.88 kPa,于 1998年5月 11日入院。眼部检查:眶距 106mm,内眦间距为40mm,双眼睑裂长
采用空心轴锥齿轮设计的传动装置可以达到很高的转速,且运行效率高、磨损小,在各种传动比下都能有良好的可逆性能。 Hollow shaft bevel gear design of the transmission c
In order to investigate the permeability of porous media,it is necessary to figure out the property of wave propagation in this medium. The authors calculated t
分泌性中耳炎是耳科常见病 ,部分患者鼓室分泌物呈胶胨状时称其为胶耳 ,治疗颇棘手。以往的治疗有鼓膜穿刺抽吸、鼓膜穿刺注气排胶、切开吸引后置管引流等。自 1986年以来 ,