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古诗是中国灿烂文化遗产中的瑰宝,其短小精悍,语言凝练。关于古诗词教学,《语文课程标准》(2011)对各学段均提出要求:第一学段要“诵读儿歌、儿童诗和浅近的古诗,展开想象,获得初步的情感体验,感受语言的优美”。第二学段要“诵读优秀诗文,注意在诵读过程中体验情感,展开想象,领悟诗文大意”。第三学段“诵读优秀诗文,注意通过语调、韵律、节奏等体味作品的内容和情感,背诵优秀诗文60篇(段)”。由此可见,我们的古诗教学要多诵读,读出韵律美,在诵读中想象画面,带领学生入情入境,品出意境美,丰实学生语言文化积累。 Ancient poetry is a treasure of China’s splendid cultural heritage, its short and pithy, concise language. As for the teaching of ancient poems, the Standard of Chinese Curriculum (2011) put forward requirements for each of the sections: the first session should read “children’s songs and children’s poems and shallow ancient poems, start the imagination, get the initial emotional experience, feel the language beautiful”. The second paragraph to “recite excellent poetry, pay attention to the emotional experience in the process of reading, open imagination, comprehend the poem ”. The third paragraph “recite excellent poetry, pay attention to through toning, rhythm, rhythm and other content and emotional experience, recite excellent poetry 60 articles (paragraph) ”. This shows that our ancient poetry teaching to read more, read out the rhythm of the United States, in the reading imaginary pictures, leading students into the country, the quality of the artistic conception, rich students language and culture accumulation.
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几年前,笔者曾赴美国交流讲学一年多,执教于纽约州斯克内克塔迪高中(Schenectady High School),全程参加学校的教研及学术交流活动,并在其他学校进行短期的讲学、交流。其间,
本文就现今的电气工程的施工质量进行了详细的介绍。 This article gives a detailed introduction to the current construction quality of electrical engineering.
摘 要:计算机技术在快速发展,网络也成为了企业宣传自身、展示风采、传递信息的一种重要途径,并广泛应用。但是,在网络媒体给企业带来便利的同时也给企业带来了舆情危机。网络上传播的关于企业的一些负面信息、危机事件,在一定程度上都影响了企业的社会形象。因此,新形势下如何利用舆情监控,建立起有效的企业危机管理体系,正确引导网上舆论,提高网络舆论危机的处理能力,就成为企业所面临的一项新任务和重大课题。文章分析
对地基基础的检测管理工作进行有效控制,不仅能对地基基础的施工流程是否标准进行严格检测,也能对工程安全稳定性给予准确判断。 Effective control of the detection and m
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