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长期以来,西方敌对势力打着“维护人权”的旗号,攻击社会主义国家“践踏人权”、“无视人权”,并以此为借口,肆意干涉我国及其他一些国家的内政,以达到其搞和平演变的目的。而面对西方敌对势力的这一“人权”攻势,我们的一些同志却丢下了战斗的武器,挂起了免战牌,似乎马克思主义是不讲人权的,讲人权是资产阶级的东西,这样就把“人权”的旗帜拱手让给了资产阶级。显然这是一种极端错误的观点,至少是对马克思主义人权观的一种误解。事实上,马克思主义不仅讲人权,而且它所讲的人权是比资产阶级更加进步和革命的人权,是完全站在辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义和解放全人类立场上的人权观。最近国务院新闻办公室所发表的《中国的人权状况》白皮书,就是以马克思主义的人权观为立脚点、系统阐述我国的人权状况和政策的权威性文件,有力地回击了西方敌对势力的无端攻击,大长了中国人民的志气。为了更好地理解这个文件,也为了更好地掌握马克思主义的人权观的精神实质,批判资产阶级的人权观,搞清这两种人权观的区别,是至关重要和非常必要的。我以为,可以从以下几个方面来把握这两种人权观的区别。 For a long time, under the banner of “safeguarding human rights,” the western hostile forces have attacked the socialist countries in “trampling human rights” and “ignoring human rights.” They also used this as an excuse to wantonly interfere in the internal affairs of China and other countries in order to reach their peace The purpose of evolution. In the face of this “human rights” offensive by the hostile forces of the West, some of our comrades have left their arms for war and suspended their armistice cards. It seems that Marxism does not speak of human rights and that human rights are bourgeois things. Thus, Give the bourgeoisie the banner of “human rights.” Obviously, this is an extremely erroneous point of view, at least a misunderstanding of the Marxist human rights perspective. In fact, Marxism refers not only to human rights, but also to human rights that it speaks of as more progressive and revolutionary human rights than the bourgeoisie. It is a human rights concept that stands entirely on the positions of dialectical materialism, historical materialism and liberation of all mankind. The White Paper on the Situation of Human Rights in China published recently by the Information Office of the State Council is a definitive document systematically elaborating our country's human rights conditions and policies with a Marxist view of human rights and effectively resolves the unprovoked attacks of the hostile forces in the West. Long-term Chinese people's ambition. In order to better understand this document and to better grasp the spiritual essence of the Marxist human rights perspective, it is critically important and necessary to criticize the bourgeois human rights perspective and clarify the differences between the two human rights perspectives. I think we can grasp the differences between the two human rights perspectives in the following aspects.
对于这样一个服务于基础教育历史课程改革的目标体系,我们的认识是:它只是一个认知领域的评价目标。因为认知领域即课程编制的领域,它必须和高校入学的考试测量有所不同,必须摒弃应试主义的研究倾向,而探索一条有助于推进素质教育的评价之路。  在教学中,评价的依据是教学目标。并且,为了有利评价,必须有一个明确、具体的教学目标。这就是说,只有将教学目标用便于把握的指标和表达得当的语言确定下来,才能实施教学评价。