Research Project: Specialized Language Analysis

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:protosser
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I. Introduction

  This research project is a case study of the learner language. I am interested in the inappropriate use of the auxiliary word 的‘de’ in Chinese L2 learners, for it is an obvious problem among non-native (English) Chinese learners. English is a language without the auxiliary word 的‘de’, whereas Chinese has obligatory using. My research is based on Obligatory Occasion Analysis (OOA) and target-like use analysis, which try to identify the usage of Chinese 的‘de’ and some wrong uses of this Chinese auxiliary word by the informant in terms. Then my research is analyzed with some relevant references from some literatures to explain the reason why the learner commits the errors. A test is given to collect the data.

II. Literature review

  According to Gao (2005), it is hard for foreigners to learn function words in Chinese,among which the auxiliary word 的‘de’ is the most problematic. As a function word, 的‘de’ is used to connect the attribute and the nouns and it is the symbol of attribute. But it is not always the case that all the attributes are followed by 的‘de’ (Liu, 1983). And based on Gao’s research (2005), omission of this kind of auxiliary word is a main common problems in L2 Chinese learning. English learners of Chinese always have tendency to omit 的 ‘de’ where a native speaker would use. From her research, Gao has pointed out that omission of the auxiliary word by English learners is systematic and that one of the principles, which can help to explain the omission of 的 ‘de’ by Chinese learners is because there is no such a word in English, and there are many exceptions to the rules guiding the use of the auxiliary word.
  Tang and Zhu (2005) declare in their research that as a function word, omission is not the only main error the non-native Chinese speakers have when they use 的 ‘de’. Overuse is also a problem. The reason is that the Chinese language learners don’t fully control and understand the rules of using 的 ‘de’ and think too much about the usage, thus result in the phenomenon of overuse.

III. Methodology

  1.Learner’s Background
  For doing this research project, Matthew Chow, a 19-year-old male Australian, was chosen to be the informant for this research. He has learnt Chinese for about a year and is now studying it in the University of New South Wales. His mother tongue is English and Chinese level is elementary (Also see appendix1)   2.Task
【摘要】英语是世界上使用范围最广泛的语言,有世界通用语之称。中江县为提高小学英语教学的普及力度,适应时代发展的需要,在人力、物力、财力上都加大了对小学英语教育的投入。  【关键词】小学英语;中江县;基本情况  【作者简介】徐洲,西昌学院外国语学院。  英语是世界上使用范围最广泛的语言,有世界通用语之称。2001年教育部决定,把小学开设英语课程作为21世纪初基础教育课程改革的重要内容。2001年秋季
【摘要】对于大学英语教学而言,结合认知语言学理论,引导学生通过认知角度对英语语言体系予以了解,可以促进英语词汇教学效率的提高。所以大学英语教师需增强对认知语言学的认识与理解,进而在词汇教学的过程中增强学生对单词的记忆与能力,并让学生掌握正确的学习方法。  【关键词】认知语言学; 大学英语; 词汇教学  【作者简介】侯晓媛,山东科技大学外国语学院。  英语词汇教学属于大学英语教学的重要部分,同时教学
【摘要】中式英语语音是一种受汉语发音影响的不规范语音,有其存在的必然性。通过量化分析得出中国学习者在英语语音层面的混淆与难点。使中国学习者快速习得接近目标语的发音。  【关键词】中式英语;语音;发音特征  【作者简介】陈锐锐(1993.5- ),女,陕西咸阳人,宝鸡文理学院外国语言文学系,2016级硕士研究生,研究方向:英语教学;杨丹,宝鸡文理学院外国语言文学系。  一、引言  中式英语特指学习者
【摘要】初中英语教学的过程中,素质教育和新课程新课程改革对教师的教学提出了越来越高的要求,在现代初中英语教学的过程中,对学生的核心素养的培养应该是教师重点关注的方向,教师在设计课堂教学的过程中,应该积极的探索,如何通过科学有效的方式提高学生的创新素养,帮助学生更好的挖掘出自身的潜能,让初中生英语教学真正的发挥出自身最大的价值,为学生的成长和发展提供帮助。  【关键词】初中英语;核心素养;培养方法;
【摘要】国家提出高职课改后,很多高职院校的公共英语课程开始实施项目化教学改革。文章对高职高专公共英语项目化教学改革的现状以及改革过程中面临的一些问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决对策。  【关键词】高职公共英语;课程改革;项目化教学  【Abstract】Many higher vocational colleges have begun to implement the project teac
【摘要】随着新课改的不断深化,高中英语课堂上,教师应用情境教学法讲解知识越来越常见。基于此,本文从利用语言情境开启学生的英语思维、利用游戏情境提高学生对英语的认知、利用生活情境加强学生对英语语言的应用、创设情境,激发学生们的学习兴趣四个方面研究了情境教学法在英语课堂教学中的应用。  【关键词】情境教学法;高中英语;课堂教学  【作者简介】范亚敏,云南省大理市大理第一中学,云南师范大学外国语学院。前
【摘要】本文是从大学英语教育所面临的困境出发,利用网络直播平台的受众面广,形式新颖以及积极的互动交流等特点,结合慕课课程的优势与线下拓展功能探讨在目前现有的条件下如何在网络直播平台基础上建立高效的大学英语慕课课程,如何在充分利用丰富的互联网资源的同时实现大学英语的精英化教育模式。  【关键词】慕课;网络直播;大学英语教学  【作者简介】赵牟丹(1983.4.3- ),女,沈阳大学外国语学院,讲师;