
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fawudai111111
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随着我国医药卫生体制改革不断深入,单纯按收支结余计算的院科两级核算的绩效工资分配办法日益暴露出其片面性,这种分配方式已经不能适应医院分配制度改革。医院要在新医改的环境下稳定发展,必须要关注患者的切身利益和医院的长远效益,遏制医疗费用的过快增长。这就要求医院必须不断提高医护质量、医德医风、教学和研究等各方面的管理工作。医院在加大管理工作的同时,应将这些管理指标纳入到绩效考核方案中,这样既能增加管理的力度和广度,又能调动职工的积极性。 With the continuous deepening reform of the medical and health system in our country, the performance-based salary distribution method based on the balance of hospital expenditures and expenditures, calculated solely on balance of payments, has increasingly exposed its one-sidedness. This distribution has not been able to adapt to the reform of the hospital distribution system. In order to achieve steady development in the new medical reform environment, hospitals must pay attention to the vital interests of patients and the long-term benefits of the hospital to curb the excessive growth of medical expenses. This requires that the hospital must continuously improve the quality of medical care, medical ethics, teaching and research and other aspects of management. While increasing the management work, the hospital should incorporate these management indicators into the performance evaluation plan, which will not only increase the intensity and breadth of management, but also mobilize the enthusiasm of staff and workers.
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六.晶状体及角膜混浊的性质和机理:至今仍不明确.多数作者推论可能是由于色素沉着引起.概括起来,有以下几种从假说: 1.房水化学性质改变:Barsa认为根据混浊发生的部位主要是