The Global Strategy of “Sun and Moon in Daming Palace”

来源 :China\'s Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhait2009
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In May,2010,“Sun and Moon in Daming Palace”was shown at the ceremony for the 1300 anniversary of Nara Heiji-kyo Capital held in Nara,Japan.In June,2010,“Sun and Moon in Daming Palace”was on the tour in Spain and also the United Nations Public Service meeting.In July,“Sun and Moon in Daming Palace”was on the tour in the United States and the stage of the J.F.Kennedy Arts Center.In October,2010,“Sun and Moon in Daming Palace”was performed in Daming Palace National Heritage Park. In May, 2010, “Sun and Moon in Daming Palace” was shown at the ceremony for the 1300 anniversary of Nara Heiji-kyo Capital held in Nara, Japan. June, 2010, “Sun and Moon in Daming Palace ”was on the tour in Spain and also the United Nations Public Service meeting. July, “ Sun and Moon in Daming Palace ”was on the tour in the United States and the stage of the JF Kennedy Arts Center. October, 2010, “Sun and Moon in Daming Palace” was performed in Daming Palace National Heritage Park.
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