Star Grain Regression Analysis under Spin Effect and Chamber Pressure Effect

来源 :Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moyan905254131
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The angular acceleration due to the spin effect increases the burning rate of solid propellant and changes the motor performance by increasing the operating pressure and decreasing the burning time. So it is important to know the grain regression taken place in the solid propellant rocket motor in the acceleration field. This study represents the grain regression analysis of two-dimensional axis-symmetric star grain configuration of the solid propellant rocket motor with spin induced acceleration effect and pressure effect on burn rate using geometrical and numerical analysis. While the rocket is spinning,the burn rates on each point of the propellant surface are different with its radial distance,acceleration vector angle and surface slope. With the different burn rates on the propellant surface,we analyze the propellant surface perimeter and port area,and these results are compared with those of constant burn rate and burn rate affected by the chamber pressure. The angular acceleration due to the spin effect increases the burning rate of solid propellant and changes the motor performance by increasing the operating pressure and decreasing the burning time. So it is important to know the grain regression took place in the solid propellant rocket motor in the acceleration field. This study represents the grain regression analysis of two-dimensional axis-symmetric star grain configuration of the solid propellant rocket motor with spin-induced acceleration effect and pressure effect on burn rate using geometrical and numerical analysis. While the rocket is spinning, the burn rates on each point of the propellant surface are different with its radial distance, acceleration vector angle and surface slope. we analyze the propellant surface perimeter and port area, and these results are compared with those of constant burn rate and burn rate affected by the chamber pressure.
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