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中国画的画理主要包括形神关系、构图原理、笔墨功夫、设色题款、画家修养等等。它对整个中国画,包括山水、花鸟、人物以及对传统的继承创新等无不起着指导作用。研究画理的重要性,当代著名老画家孙其峰指出:“学画要知‘法’,更要知‘理’,法是‘当然’,理是‘所以然’,十个‘ The painting of Chinese painting mainly includes the relationship between the form and god, composition principle, brushwork, color design, painter training and so on. It plays a guiding role in the whole Chinese painting, including landscapes, flowers and birds, people and inheritance and innovation of tradition. To study the importance of painting, the famous contemporary painter Sun Qifeng pointed out: "Learn to learn the ’law’, but also know the ’reason’, the law is’ of course ’, the reason is’ why’, the ten ’
·AIM:To investigate the expression of connexin 43 and epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin) in choroidal melanoma,to explore the clinical and pathological implicati
信息化条件下,高校图书馆的地位和功能发生了极大的变化,如何在新的形势下,提高馆员的素质,为高效的教学和科研发挥更大的作用,这是当前需要研究的重要课题。 Under the con
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The simulated ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) mode events from three coupled GCMs with the same oceaniccomponent model, CPM0, CPM1 and FGCM0, are compared. T
通过热压缩实验研究GH3535合金在温度区间1000~1200°C和应变速率区间0.01~50 s-1的热变形行为。在实验数据基础上得到合金应力曲线和热加工图,且其激活能为356.3 k J/mol。
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