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早春二月的一天,日丽风清,我来到昔日明、清两代的皇宫——紫禁城.说来有趣,我并不是来游览这里的雕梁画栋、重阁复殿的古建筑,也不是来欣赏皇宫内的朱柱盘龙、金脊飞凤,而是来采访一位名人——国际博物馆协会亚洲太平洋地区主席、中国故宫博物院代院长吕济民先生.穿过一座座鳞次栉比的楼檐窗棂,来到一片金色与赤色交融的古建筑群的边侧,映入眼帘的是一排灰色的廊房.这排房子与金壁辉煌的宫殿相比,显得是那样的简陋.我推开了其中的一扇房门,这是吕院长的办公室.吕院长是位十分守时的人,应我之约,他已经 One day in early spring in February, I came to the Forbidden City, the Forbidden City, the former imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is interesting to say that I did not come here to visit the ancient buildings of the Grand Pavilion and the ancient buildings of the Grand Palace. Appreciate the Zhu Zhu Panlong and Jinjiffei in the palace, but to interview a celebrity - the president of Asia Pacific of the International Museum Association, Mr. Lv Ji Min, acting dean of the Chinese National Palace Museum, passing through a row of curtain windows and came to A golden and red blend of the old buildings on the side, greeted by a row of gray corridor room .This row of houses and golden walls brilliant palace, it is so simple .I pushed one of them Fan room door, which is Dean LV’s office. Dean LV is a very punctual person, should be my appointment, he has
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SMC虽然不是最快的,但在其他方面却非常出色。它也是最好的无线局域网DSL路由器之一。 Although SMC is not the fastest, but in other respects is very good. It is also
简介葛珂,男,1973年4月出生,北京人。现任金山软件副总裁,金山办公软件CEO。葛珂毕业于南京大学电子科学及工程学系,1995年于Founder Inform ation System Engineering Compa
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“伊妹儿”是我们日常工作生活中不可缺少的工具,使用起来并不是那么的得心应手?那就请看本文介绍的经验吧,它们可以让您更自由自在的“邮来邮去”! “Yi Meier” is an ind