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近年来,我国对新教师的培养越来越重视,《中华人民共和国教师教育条例(草案)》提出:已取得教师资格尚未上岗的新任教师必须接受不得少于一个月的入职教育。目前,许多教育行政部门和学校在新教师的入职教育上进行了许多有益的探索,但是到目前为止,我国教育法规还没有对入职教育做出明确要求。对此,我们做了一些初步的探 In recent years, our country has paid more and more attention to the cultivation of new teachers. The “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Teacher Education” put forward that the newly appointed teachers who have not obtained the qualifications of teachers must accept the induction education of not less than one month. At present, many educational administrations and schools have conducted many useful explorations on the new teachers’ entry education, but so far our education laws and regulations have not made any explicit demands on entry education. In this regard, we did some preliminary exploration
We report the observation of the splitting of whispering-gallery mode in the silica spherical resonator. To characterize the fused-silica spherical resonator,an
你有闭月羞花之貌,沉鱼落雁之容但大庭广众之下,你却不能赢得满堂喝彩; 她相貌平平,语不惊人, 但异性的目光却因她而放射出别样的光彩。 You have the shameful appearance
冶金学家早已知道,某些处于熔态的金属迅速冷却时就会变成为非常有用的新材料。过去对于这种新材料的开发还限于实验室,然而今天工业界已把注意力转向这种新材料了。 当一种
捐款捐衣次数多了,我忽萌奇想:何不趁此良机,与受助者建立一种更直接更紧密的联系,架起城乡“热线”,送去亲情温暖? 去年安徽洪魔肆虐,我迅速给安徽一位朋友去信,托他查明哪
太极拳为武当门的内家拳术,主张以心为主,以气为用,故练法有重意不重形之说。外练筋骨皮,为有形之体,唾手可得;内炼精气神为无形 Tai Chi for Wudang Men’s home martial a
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