
来源 :南通大学学报(医学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waugh9071
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本文用免疫组化ABC法观察了大白鼠胚脑中Lamininll的分布。结果发现12天胚鼠脑泡全层神经上皮细胞均呈Laminill阳性反应,以内、外界膜处较深染。在15天以后的胚鼠,仅室周区神经上皮细胞深染,其它部分可见细胞外基质中淡染的Laminin阳性物质;还可见血管从软膜面伸入神经细胞之间分支成网状,其基膜呈Laminin阳性反应。从室腔面向软膜面见有Laminill阳性反应的放射胶质纤维,在中脑尤以中线处为密集,并向腹外侧放射。19天 In this study, the distribution of Lamininll in embryonic brains of rats was observed by immunohistochemical ABC method. The results showed that Laminill positive reactions were observed in the whole layer of neuronal epithelial cells in the 12-day-old embryonic mouse brain, and were darker in the inner and outer membranes. In embryoid mice 15 days later, only neuroperiepithelial cells in the periventricular zone were deeply stained, while other parts showed lightly stained Laminin-positive substances in the extracellular matrix; it also showed that the blood vessels branching from the pial surface into the nerve cells meshed. Its basement membrane showed Laminin positive reaction. Laminill-positive radioligand fibers are seen from the chamber surface facing the pial surface and are concentrated at the midline, especially toward the ventral side. 19 days
J Immunol 1989; 5(1): 15. By two independent assays (T cell prolifera-tion and interleukin-2 secretion), presenta-tions of rabbit anti--mouse IgM antibody (RAM
胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(IDDM)因生长激素(GH)受体后缺陷,受体数目和基因表达减少导致肝脏对 GH 的抵抗。GH 不能刺激肝脏产生 IGF-1,从而抑制生长发育。作者通过体外测定软骨对
本研究选用SD大鼠,观察不同作用浓度(0,300,600,1200,2400mg/m3)二个月后脑组织Na+-K+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶及胆碱酯酶活性的影响。结果表明:CS2染毒大鼠脑组织Na+-K+-ATP酶活性受到明显抑制,对Ca2+-ATP酶和胆碱酯酶活性无影响 In this study, SD rats
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