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为评估松褐天牛肿腿蜂Sclerodermus sp.(膜翅目:肿腿蜂科)对其寄主松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus3龄幼虫的控制作用,通过功能反应试验,研究了松褐天牛肿腿蜂对松褐天牛3龄幼虫补充营养时期的捕食功能反应和补充营养后的寄生功能反应以及肿腿蜂的密度效应。结果表明:当松褐天牛肿腿蜂密度固定为1头/缸时,肿腿蜂因补充营养对松褐天牛3龄幼虫的捕食功能反应符合HollingⅡ型方程,1头松褐天牛肿腿蜂雌蜂对松褐天牛3龄幼虫的最大致死量为9.48头,平均为3.75头;寄生作用的功能反应符合HollingⅠ型方程,可知肿腿蜂的寄主密度阈限为4头就能满足补充营养和寄生的需要;在捕食和寄生两个阶段其对松褐天牛幼虫的寻找效应随着寄主密度的增加呈线性减弱。当松褐天牛幼虫密度固定为30头/缸时,随着肿腿蜂的密度增加,其补充营养阶段的捕食作用和之后的寄生作用均呈线性升高,寻找效应则呈线性减弱;由蜂虫比和致死总量的模型可得肿腿蜂与天牛幼虫比例为0.9805(近1:1)时,可使松褐天牛幼虫死亡总数最大。这些结果表明,松褐天牛肿腿蜂是松褐天牛幼虫期的有效天敌。本研究为评价松褐天牛肿腿蜂对寄主的控制能力提供了基础数据和方法,并为其在野外的释放量提供了依据。 In order to evaluate the control effect of the Sclerodermus sp. (Hymenoptera: Lepidoptera) on the 3rd instar larvae of Monochamus alternatus, the host of Monochamus alternatus, the functional response test was used to study the effects of Sclerodermus sp. The predatory functional response of the 3rd instar larvae of Monochamus alternatus to parasitism and the parasitic functional response after supplementation and the density effect of Swollenleaf. The results showed that the predation functional response of 3rd instar larvae of Monochamus alternatus due to supplemental nutrition to the HollingⅡtype equation when the density of M. tuberosus was fixed at 1 head / The maximum lethal dose of 3rd-instar larvae of Monochamus alternatus was 9.48, with an average of 3.75. The functional response of parasitism accorded with Holling’s type Ⅰ equation, and the host density threshold Nutritional and parasitological needs; its hunting effect on Monochamus alternatus larvae decreases linearly with increasing host density during both predation and parasitism stages. When the density of Monochamus alternatus larvae was fixed at 30 heads / cylinder, the parasitism and parasitism increased linearly with the increase of the density of Trichogramma nigromaculata, but decreased linearly with the search effect When the ratio of bee-bulls to the total lethality was 0.9805 (nearly 1: 1), the larvae of Monochamus alternatus could kill Larvae Larvae to the maximum. These results indicate that M. septempunctata is an effective predator of Monochamus alternatus during larval stage. This study provided the basic data and methods for the evaluation of the control ability of T. rufipola to the host and provided the basis for its release in the field.
用 (真空紫外光 +紫外光 ) 共振加强式多光子游离法侦测甲基自由基 .为证明此法之灵敏度 ,实验用交叉分子束反应F +CH4 (CD4 )→HF(DF) +CH3(CD3) ,其绝对灵敏度可达 10 7/c
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It is observed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) that the adsorbed Benzotriazole (BTA) on copper is long in shape and has an irregular rectangle. The growt
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