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近年来,我国高职院校教育资源配置的现状虽然得到了极大改善,但仍存在办学经费不足、师资结构不够合理及管理利用效率不高的突出问题,在一定程度上制约了学校的内涵发展,影响了人才的培养质量,并造成了有限教育资源的隐性浪费。新形势下,切实优化、整合高职院校教育资源的配置,应以政府投入为主渠道,进一步增加办学经费的投入;以“双师型”队伍建设为抓手,进一步优化师资结构;以提高资源配置效率为目标,进一步加强共享平台建设。 In recent years, although the status quo of the allocation of educational resources in higher vocational colleges in our country has been greatly improved, there are still outstanding problems such as insufficient funds for running schools, unreasonable teacher structure and inefficient management and utilization, which to a certain extent restricted the connotation of schools Development, affecting the quality of personnel training, and resulted in the implicit waste of limited educational resources. Under the new situation, the allocation of educational resources in higher vocational colleges should be optimized and integrated. Government investment should be the main channel to further increase investment in running education. With the construction of a contingent of double-qualified teachers, the structure of teacher resources should be further optimized ; To improve the efficiency of resource allocation as the goal, to further strengthen the sharing platform.
On May 12, 2008, a major earthquake measured 8 on the Richter scale jolted Wenchuan County in Si- chuan Province, China with the epicentral intensity of XI degr
Basosquamous carcinoma (BSC) is defined as a tumor containing the areas of both basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) with a transition z