题目:Resolving Conflicts and Possible Outcomes

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  There are many ways through which people can resolve conflicts between warring factions. These warring factions can be as few as two individuals, or they might be large people groups like countries. However, the ways of resolving conflicts do not all work in any one given situation? A person or groups of people ought to decide upon which the best way of resolving a given conflict. A model of dual concern might be assumed where an individual tries to strike a balance between the concern he has for other people and the concern he has for himself. On the one hand he may choose to be assertive and have things done his way. On the other hand, he may choose to be empathetic, and do things according to the way the other person feels things ought to be done.
  When engaged in a conflicting situation, some people might decide to resolve the conflict by staying aloof of the problem. To these people staying aloof is the best way of letting things get resolved. They prefer no active participation in seeing to it that the situation is resolved. They do not care much about what other people feel in the circumstances. They do not think much about their personal feelings either. High conflict situations are not best resolved with this kind of approach, however, because things can easily run out of control.
  An example of such a situation is when group of employees go on strike and the management sits back to see what might happen, without taking any active role in what is going on. The strike might escalate into such bad situations as burning of company assets by the disgruntled employees or even roughing up of the employers. A bad situation grows worse in that case, because the employees feel that the aloofness of the management does not address their concerns. The management, however, feels that the assertiveness of the employees ought to have been toned down. If consensus could be reached between the two parties it would be at the point where the management has taken an active role in addressing the employees' grievances. The employees, on the other hand, ought not to be greatly aggrieved, seeing that at least their cries are being heard by a management that cares for them. It is rather unfortunate that a number of people who fall into this trap are the so called faithful. They let things be, and say to themselves and to others that things shall be sorted out by divine intervention. However, things ought to be done differently, because not everyone has the same beliefs or religious leanings. Many people sere different deities and some believe in a deity that asks them to help themselves before deity comes to their aid. Therefore, instead of their faith being a source of respite, it fuels the flames of conflict foursome people.   Another way of resolving conflict is by adorning a compromising attitude. Such an attitude says to oneself and to others that it is good to be fair to both sides of the conflict. Such people are ready to listen to the arguments on both sides and to yield a bit to the demands of the other side. They also expect the other side of the conflict to yield to some of their demands, hence being fair. In the case study above, for example, the employees would be expected to yield to some of the demands of management while the management also gives in to some of the demands of its employees. Ideally, not all demands from each side shall be met, but a balance can be struck wherein some of the wants from each side shall be addressed. Liken the previous case, the more assertive of the two groups will be expected to yield a bit, by being conciliatory. This will be expected of the employees who hold the management in ransom by their actions. Being fair would not see the employees flare up into a fracas situation of burning and looting. Being firewood also see the management taking an active role in the resolution of the conflict rather than sitting back and watching as situation change from bad to worse.
  Conflict does not have to be a bad thing or a nasty experience. Where there are two or more people interacting with different interests at heart, disagreements are inevitable. However, such disagreements might be a source for better understanding of each other and even greater cohesion. In the workplace scenario above, conflict might have arisen out of one employee's obsession with letting the management know about everything that goes on while they are not being watched. The conflict of interests comes in with the other employees being opposed to close supervision. It is further aggravated by the fact that one of their peers would like to make good name for oneself by making the rest of them look bad in the presence of their superiors.
  Solving such a conflict might require one to have high levels of assertiveness as well as empathy. With these traits he can easily cooperate with his contenders to reach an amicable solution to their conflict. Such an individual is not only interested in his own welfare but has a heightened interest in the welfare of the people he contends with, as well. He shall cooperate with the other people to find a solution with which they shall all be agreeable. His cooperation might tend to favor the side of the fellow employees, or it might be in favor of the management. However, what would a person caught in the middle of such a conflict do? Through discussion with both parties, people get to be aware of the points of views that their contenders have. In effect, they do not undermine the goals of each other.   There are three possible outcomes to any conflict resolution endeavor. Each of these outcomes depends on how the conflict resolution exercise is carried out. In the first place, a conflict resolution exercise might work in favor of both sides concerned. Since both parties win in the end, this is called a win-win situation. The first type of conflict resolution that was mentioned in this dialogue would never amount to a win-win situation. Not both parties win in the end. This is because one of the parties stays aloof from the goings on of the resolution process.
  Since its stand is neither here nor there, it becomes rather difficult to tell whether things are going the way they should for this group of people. Whether they win or lose is not the issue for this group, but rather, they only want tranquility in the end. They want peace but they are not ready to work or to fight for it. Maybe, therefore, one might be right in assuming that when peace prevails in the end, then that is a win situation for the people who do not want to stand up for what they believe in. It may be rightly opined that these people are cowards who do not have enough spine with which to face up to other people, even though they might be transgressed against.
  A win-win result of conflict resolution is the best result that one can achieve. It results in greater cohesion among group members than before the conflict caused a rift between them. They also get to learn more about each other's way of thinking and what things can cause them to be drawn apart. In future, they will not fear conflicting situations, but they would rather strive to keep away from those things that divide them. They will strive for those things that cause them to be drawn closer together as a single unit.
  The other result of a conflict resolution is where one side wins and the other loses. In such a case, no workable consensus has been reached. One side of the conflict is way too aggressive while the other is too empathetic. The aggressive side is bound to have its way over the empathetic side. Thus, the aggressive side wins while the empathetic side loses. This example of a scenario is called a win-lose situation because one side wins while the other side loses. It would be likened to an employer-employee conflict situation in which the employee has a field day over the employer, with all the employee's demands being met. The employer’s demands, on the other hand are not heeded to. Otherwise, the employer might be too high handed towards the employee. Following such situation, the employer ends up sacking the employee for reasons such as insubordination.   (注:首届许渊冲翻译大赛英译汉英文原文)
  当冲突发生的时候 ,一些人可能选择置身事外化解冲突。对这些人而言,回避即是解决冲突的最佳办法。他们宁愿冲突不解决,也不愿主动参与其中。他们并不关心冲突事件中其他人的感受。对于自身亦是如此。但是,这样的解决方法在冲突严重的情况下算不得最佳方式,因为事情很容易失控。
【摘要】:传统文化中的优秀部分给予后辈太多的启示,值得人们用心领会。笔者从传统文化在我国的现状,传统文化在语文教学中开展的必要性,传统文化在语文教学面临的困境等三方面进行了论述,且提出几点关于传统文化教育在语文教学中开展的措施,以期给大家带来一些思考。  【关键词】:传统文化教育; 语文教学; 教学方法; 教学理论  一、传统文化在语文教学中开展的必要性  ( 一) 文化政策的影响  习近平主席提
【摘要】:身为一名新时代的高中生,我们有责任、有义务不断的提高自身的文学鉴赏能力,改善自身的语文综合素养。只有这样,才能够促使自己全面发展、承担社会主义建设的重大任务。  【关键词】:高中生;文学作品;文学;鉴赏能力  引言:在高中学习阶段,我们学生应该重视对自身文学鉴赏能力的培养与提高。在长时间的学习中,经过我自身的探索与经验的总结,本文我将基于学生视角分析“提高学生文学鉴赏能力的途径”。  (
【摘要】:实验对于初中化学而言是一种重要的教学手段,不仅可以帮助学生掌握一些化学基本知识,更能培养学生实事求是的科学态度。本文分别从提高学习能力和提高综合素质两方面入手,对初中化学实验教学的重要性进行简单探析,以期通过形式多样的化学探究实验有效提高教学效率。  【关键词】:初中化学;实验;科学素养  随着新课改的实施,化学实验教学的重要性得以彰显,特别是针对处在青少年时期的初中生而言,其功效显而易
习主席系列重要讲话精神是当代中国发展进步的思想引领和精神旗帜,是加强军队全面建设的根本遵循和科学指南。目前,全军上下正掀起学习习主席系列讲话精神的热潮,基层作为教育末端,能否领会掌握,关系到讲话精神的贯彻落实。在系统学习之外,如何开展补充教育,穿插具有“基层特色”的教育内容,达到激发基层官兵学习积极性,鼓励他们投身基层建设的效果,是每个政治教育者必须思考的问题。  聊聊主席的基层故事。毛泽东同志说
习近平主席深刻指出,人民军队之所以不断发展壮大,关键在于始终坚持先进军事理论的指导。党的十八大以来,我们党围绕国防和军队建设提出一系列新思想新观点新论断新要求,形成了党在新时期的强军思想。国防和军队建设所取得的历史性突破和辉煌成就,极大彰显了强军思想的巨大理论和实践威力。在新的历史起点上推进强军事业,必须把强军思想作为部队建设的根本理论指导和科学行动指南,贯彻体现到部队建设的各领域和全过程。  一
【摘要】:在小学语文阅读教学中渗透心理健康教育是新时代教育改革的需要,是培养学生综合素质全面和谐发展的需要,是响应新课程教育改革背景下对语文教学发展的必然要求,也是全面促进学生身心健康全面和谐发展的必然要求。将心理健康教育渗透进小学阅读教学中去也是对教师自身专业素养和人文素养的要求,是当下语文教学活动改革中刻不容缓的任务。  【关键词】:小学语文;阅读教学;心理健康教育;渗透  小学语文阅读教学和
【摘要】:前苏联教育家赞科夫认为:当教师必不可少的,甚至几乎是最主要的品质就是热爱学生。热爱学生,必须了解学生,尊重学生,时刻把学生放在心上,体察学生的内心世界,关注他们在学习、生活等方面的健康发展,同情学生的痛苦与不幸,与学生建立起和谐、友爱的师生关系。  【关键词】:师生关系;关爱学生;班主任工作  朱永新教授曾说:“没有理想的教育者就是不可能具有追求卓越的精神,不可能在教育活动中洋溢着激情和
【摘要】:习近平同志在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会的主题报告中明确提出要坚持中西医并重,传承与发展中医药事业。这一演讲释放出发挥中医药在建成小康社会、建设健康中国国家层面关注的信号。本文结合目前中医药高等院校大学生文化认同教育的现状,有针对提出了高校大学生文化认同教育的实现路径,从发展中医文化的视角出发,提出几点建议。  【关键词】:十九大;中医药;大学生;文化认同  习近平同志在中国共产党第十