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据说,每座城市都是有性格的。布宜诺斯艾利斯的性格是什么?阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯很大,从机场到市中心,开车大约需要40分钟;布宜诺斯艾利斯内的景区很小,步行就可以一览无余。布宜诺斯艾利斯被一条笔直的大街分为东西两半。这条名为“7月9日(Av.9 de Julio)”的大街,平均宽度153米,是世界上最宽的大街,比巴黎的香榭丽大街宽15米。1810年7月9日,在民族英雄圣马丁的领导下,阿根廷摆脱了西班牙的殖民统治,获得了民族独立。一条以纪念为主题的大街成为 It is said that each city is a character. What is the character of Buenos Aires? Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina is large, from the airport to the city center, about 40 minutes by car; Buenos Aires area is small, walking You can glance. Buenos Aires is divided into two halves by a straight street. The street, called “July 9 (Av.9 de Julio),” has an average width of 153 meters and is the widest street in the world, 15 meters wider than the Champs Elysées in Paris. On July 9, 1810, under the leadership of national hero Saint Martin, Argentina escaped Spanish colonial rule and gained national independence. A memorial to the theme of the street becomes
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The electrooxidation of L-cysteine(L-Cys) was studied using a benzoylferrocene(BF) modified multi-wall carbon nanotube paste electrode(BFCNPE) using cyclic volt
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Previous reports about the thermal conductivities of VO2 showed various temperature dependences across metal-insulator transition (MIT) temperature. In this wor