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1 复习引入。笔者认为:这个环节是教师能否教出一节成功课的基础,也是学生能否学好一节课的关键,因此在这个阶段必须激发学生的学习兴趣,精选与新课有密切关联的旧知识作为复习内容,为学习新课搭桥铺路,并使学生产生强烈的求知欲,以积极主动地去获取新知识。如讲“三角形中位线”一课,继相关知识复习之后,笔者拿出一自制的活动四边形框架ABCD,它的各边中点用一松紧带连接成又一四边形MNPQ,在演示过程中,发现尽管四边形MNPQ随着ABCD的变形而变形,但它总是一个平行四边形。学生看后既兴奋又惊奇:这是为什么呢?他们极想知其奥秘。就在学生兴趣浓、注意力集中的时刻,提出三角形中位线问题,把学生的思维引入新的境界。 1 review introduced. The author thinks: This link is whether teachers can teach the basis of a successful lesson, but also the key to whether or not a student can learn a lesson. Therefore, at this stage, students' interest in learning must be stimulated and the old ones closely related to the new lesson Knowledge as a review content paves the way for learning a new lesson and gives students a strong intellectual curiosity to actively acquire new knowledge. Such as the “triangle in the bit line,” a class, following the relevant knowledge review, I come up with a self-made mobile quadrilateral frame ABCD, its midpoints on each side with a elastic connected to a quadrilateral MNPQ, during the demonstration, found Although the quadrilateral MNPQ deforms as the ABCD distorts, it is always a parallelogram. Students are both excited and surprised to see: why? They are very much wondering about its mysteries. At the moment when students are more interested and focused, they put forward the problem of the median line in the triangle and bring the students' thinking into a new realm.
本刊讯(记者刘雁)6月29日晚,Tony Morgan牵手宝岛眼镜在杭州西溪印象城举行了“2013轻巧系列Ⅱ新品发布会”。据有关人士介绍,本季Tony Morgan新品不管是款式还是材质都有创
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2009年初,在各种相关利好政策的影响下,基本金属价格开始渐渐震荡回升,锑市场较2008年底有所止跌,但整个市场表现相当呆滞,没有生气,预计近期这种状况难以改观。 In early 2
知识展台  (一)麦克斯韦电磁场理论
偏头痛的诊治还存在许多问题,目前仍缺乏特异的治疗急性偏头痛的有效药物。偏头痛的慢性病程造成许多经济负袒。因此,新的方法要考虑如何减轻这一负担。现在Short Form 36量
本文报道用新药“心肝宝”胶囊治疗慢性肝炎44例的疗效观察,可使症状明显改善,肝功能显著好转,并对调整机体免疫功能,加速病原清除方面均有一定作用。 This article reports