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1病例报告患者,男,60岁,因右阴囊隐痛坠胀不适3年,加重1月入院。患者3年前偶然发现右侧阴囊内肿块,直径约2 cm大小,不伴明显胀痛。后肿块逐渐增大,出现隐痛、坠胀感,近1月来症状加剧。既往无附睾炎、腹股沟斜疝及多囊肾病史。查体:右侧阴囊明显增大,输精管无明显增粗,右侧睾丸? A case report patients, male, 60 years old, due to pain in the right scrotum bulge discomfort for 3 years, increased hospitalization in January. 3 years ago, the patient accidentally found the right scrotum tumor, a diameter of about 2 cm in size, without obvious pain. After the mass gradually increased, there was pain, dilatory feeling, the symptoms have intensified in the past January. Past no epididymitis, inguinal hernia and polycystic kidney disease history. Physical examination: the right side of the scrotum was significantly increased vas deferens without significant thickening of the right testicle?
Iodothyronine deiodinase catalyzes the initiation and termination of thyroid hormones(THs) effects, and plays a central role in the regulation of thyroid hormon
Delay-difference models are intermediate between simple surplus-production models and complicated age-structured models. Such intermediate models are more effic
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法国著名昆虫学家法布尔曾做过一项有趣的实验,他把一群蚂蚁放在一个圆盘的周围,使它们头尾相接,绕圆盘排成一个圆形。于是 An interesting experiment was done by France
如果时光愿意倒流,我甘愿回到很小很小,回到我的爷爷奶奶还在的时候…… If time is willing to go backwards, I would rather return to a very young age and return to