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王稼祥,中国共产党杰出的领导人之一,老一辈无产阶级革命家,安徽省泾县人。1925年加入中国共产主义青年团,后被选送到苏联莫斯科中山大学学习,在苏联期间,加入了共产党。1930年回国,先在白区从事革命工作,1931年赴中央革命根据地,任中共中央局委员、中革军委副主席、红军总政治部主任等职,为我军政治建设倾注了大量心血。1934年参加长征,在遵义会议上,他坚决支持毛泽东的正确主张,对确立以毛泽东为代表的正确路线在全党的领导地位起了重要作用。遵义会议后,他当选为中央政治局委员,作为中央三人军事小组成员,同毛泽东、周恩来一起指挥全军的军事行动。抗日战争初期,王稼祥任中共驻共产国际代表。中华人民共和国成立后,王稼祥先后担任外交部副部长、中华人民共和国首任驻苏大使、中共中央对外联络部部长等职,为新中国的外交工作做出了重要贡献。2006年8月15日是王稼祥诞辰百年纪念日,本刊选编了一组文章和图片,以示对王稼祥的缅怀和崇敬。 Wang Jiaxiang, one of the outstanding leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, the proletarian revolutionary of the older generation, and the Jing County of Anhui Province. After joining the Communist Youth League in 1925, he was elected to study at Zhongshan University in Moscow, the Soviet Union, and joined the Communist Party during the Soviet Union. Returning to China in 1930, he first took up revolutionary work in the White Area. In 1931 he went to the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Revolutionary Revolutionary Party Committee, served as a member of the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, director of the General Political Department of the Red Army, devoting much effort to the political construction of our army. At the Zunyi Conference in 1934, he firmly supported Mao Tse-tung's correct proposition and played an important role in establishing the leadership of the entire party on the correct line represented by Mao Zedong. After the meeting of Zunyi, he was elected a member of the Central Political Bureau. As a member of the Central Military Committee of the Three People's Armed forces, he commanded the PLA's military operations with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Jiaxiang was appointed CCP's representative to the Communist International. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wang Jiaxiang successively served as the vice minister of foreign affairs, the first Ambassador to the Soviet Republic in the People's Republic of China, and the minister of the liaison department of the CPC Central Committee made an important contribution to the diplomatic work of New China. August 15, 2006 is the 100th anniversary of Wang Jiaxiang's birthday, a series of articles and pictures compiled in order to show his memory and reverence for Wang Jiaxiang.
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With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,the Ministry of Science and Technology of China,and the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS),th