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微电腐蚀对于当今所用的显微结构法是一项经济的加工工艺,而且是加工工艺一个很重要的补充。特别是在耐磨损材料生产铸模工具方面,新荆微电腐蚀开辟了新的应用领域。随着新方法的不断增加和集合,微电腐蚀应用领域也在不断地增加。 Micro-electrosurgery is an economical process for the microstructure method used today and is an important complement to the process. Especially in the production of wear-resistant materials mold tools, the new Jing micro-etching opened up new areas of application. With the continuous increase of new methods and collections, the field of micro-electro-erosion applications is constantly increasing.
The tensile and fatigue behavior of a dispersoid strengthened, powder metallurgy Al-Fe-V-Si alloy at ambient and elevated temperatures was investigated. The res
Palaeogeography is a science that studies the features and evolution of physical geography in geological history and human history. The palaeogeography of China
ZrN/W multilayered coatings with different modulation periods at the nanoscale have been synthesized at different N+ beam bombarding energies using IBAD. Variou
栏目卷首语要论学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想 文章标题1、聚精会神搞建设一心一意谋发展2、牢牢抓住三个重大关键间题用科学发展观指导西藏发展3、科学发展观是西藏经济社会
TaN/NbN multilayered coatings with nanoscale bilayer periods were synthesized at different Ar/N_2 flow rates by RF (radio frequency) magnetron sputtering.XRD (X
编剧:李文  导演:周玉鹏  摄影:海涛  美术:阿日达  作曲:查干  制片主任:潘广乐  主演:尚铁龙 宋运成    禁牧,一次造福于子孙后代的创举。  友情,一对忘年交在西北毛乌素沙地上新的诠释。  影片以西北人憨厚、纯朴、真诚的个性讲述了一段感人至深的故事,该片将以独特的视角、原生态记录的手法唱响于大江南北。    望沙故事梗概    近几年,美岱乡的羊只饲养数量迅猛扩大,土地沙化得历害,