抓机遇 迎挑战 创地级一等站

来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shunbe123
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1 统一认识,把握机遇是创建工作的根本 韶关市站始建于1951年,有40多年的历史,各项工作都有一定的基础,由于缺乏科学化管理,很多工作都得不到规范,为此“达标上等”势在必行。为了将创建工作搞好,首先领导班子在认识上有个高起点,其次,要做好论证工作。在创建工作的论证中,一些中层干部和职工存在几种模糊认识。一是信心不足,认为要创建地级一等站指标多、要求高、难度大,尤其基础条件,即是政府行为,评审又是一票否决,地方财政紧缺,政府拨款可能性不大,到头来还是通不过。二是实 1 Unifying understanding and grasping opportunity is the fundamental task of creating a job Shaoguan City Station was built in 1951 and has a history of more than 40 years. All the work has a certain basis. Due to the lack of scientific management, many jobs are not standardized. This “adequate compliance” is imperative. In order to do a good job in the creation work, first of all, the leadership team has a high starting point in understanding, and second, it must do a good job in the demonstration. In the argument for creating a job, there were several vague perceptions among middle-level cadres and workers. First, there is a lack of confidence and it is believed that there are many indicators to be created at the first-level stations at the top-level level, and the requirements are high and difficult. In particular, the basic conditions are the government’s actions, the review is a one-vote veto, the local finances are in short supply, and the government funding is unlikely to end up. Still can not pass. The second is real
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