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于1993年春在苏格兰采用微电量测氧仪测定大西洋鲱仔鱼在封闭式呼吸器内的耗氧量,并以其作为代谢率;通过红外光源录象系统同步纪录仔鲱的游泳活动,从而首次实现仔鱼在不同温度条件下代谢与活动的相关。同时,还分别测定仔鲱在浅麻醉(静止)和黑暗状态下的耗氧量。仔鲱的实验和饲养温度一致,分为7.3,11.0和12.9℃3个组别。结果表明,仔鲱在常规、静止和黑暗条件下的耗氧量均与体重显著相关,且随温度而提高。仔鲱的静止耗氧(Vo2,μs/h)约是常规的1/2。它与干体重(M,mg)及温度(T,℃)的相关式为:Vo2=-0·394M0.677e0.129T。在呼吸器中仔鲱的活动水平较之在自由游泳时低。仔鲱的净活动耗氧由常规耗氧减去静止耗氧,其体重指数为1.05。净活动耗氧在低温组(7.3℃)显著大于高温组。初步估测仔鲱的活动、维持及生长的相对能耗;自由游泳仔鱼的活动代谢率约是静止水平的9倍;而其常规代谢率按个体大小不同,约是静止水平的5-8倍。 In the spring of 1993, the oxygen consumption of Atlantic herring larvae in a closed respirator was measured in Scotland using a micro-electrical oximeter, which was used as the metabolic rate. The swimming activity of spinach was recorded synchronously by the infrared light source video system, Metabolism and activity of larvae under different temperature conditions. In the meantime, the oxygen consumption of the sprat in the condition of light anesthesia (still) and darkness was measured separately. Sprats experiments and keeping the same temperature, divided into 7.3,11.0 and 12.9 ℃ 3 groups. The results showed that the oxygen consumption of spinach under normal, resting and dark conditions were significantly correlated with body weight and increased with temperature. Sprats static oxygen consumption (Vo2, μs / h) is about a conventional 1/2. Its correlation with dry weight (M, mg) and temperature (T, ° C) is Vo2 = -0.394M0.677e0.129T. The level of activity in the respirator is lower than in free swimming. The net activity of sprats consumed oxygen from normal oxygen consumption minus resting oxygen consumption, with a body mass index of 1.05. Net activity of oxygen consumption in the low temperature group (7.3 ℃) was significantly higher than the high temperature group. The preliminary assessment of the activity, maintenance and growth relatives of the sprats; the free-swimming larvae ’s activity metabolism rate is about 9 times of the resting level; and its conventional metabolic rate varies from individual to individual, about 5-8 times of the resting level .
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