
来源 :朱子学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:passkakaxi
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“仁”是儒学的核心概念之一。儒学在很大意义上可以被定义为是“仁学”。“仁学”也是我们把握儒学精神特质的重要视角。本文即试图从此角度出发,来探索朱子哲学的精神特质。一、朱子仁学创立的背景对于朱子的仁学,我们必须把它置于儒学发展的整体脉络中来讨论。这是因为,作为儒学发展中的集大成者,朱子哲学不止是对时代主题的回应,更是对先秦儒学的继承与创新,是对佛老之学自觉回应的产物。 “Ren ” is one of the core concepts of Confucianism. Confucianism in a great sense can be defined as “benevolence ”. “Benevolence ” is also an important perspective for us to grasp the special characteristics of Confucianism. This article attempts to explore from this point of view, to explore the spiritual characteristics of Zhu Zi philosophy. First, the background of Zhu Zixian’s founding For Zhu’s benevolence, we must put it in the context of the development of Confucianism to discuss. This is because, as a great master in the development of Confucianism, Zhu Zi’s philosophy is not only a response to the theme of the times but also a succession and innovation of pre-Qin Confucianism, which is a product of the conscious response to the philosophy of Buddhism.
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