,Randomly Generating Four Mixed Bell-Diagonal States with a Concurrences Sum to Unity

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jzlh6890
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A two-qubit system in quantum information theory is the simplest bipartite quantum system and its concurrence for pure and mixed states is well known.As a subset of two-qubit systems,Bell-diagonal states can be depicted by a very simple geometrical representation of a tetrahedron with sides of length 2(√2).Based on this geometric representation,we propose a simple approach to randomly generate four mixed Bell decomposable states in which the sum of their concurrence is equal to one.
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据农业部新闻办最新消息:农业部相关负责人介绍,12月15日,农业部接到江苏省兽医部门报告,在对家禽实行例行监测时,在海安县、东台市个别农户饲养的蛋鸡中监测到H5N1禽流感病原学阳性样品。目前上述地区尚未发现禽流感疫情。  接到报告后,农业部立即部署江苏省兽医部门落实防控措施。一是对监测阳性鸡群及周边地区家禽进行扑杀,已扑杀家禽37.7万只。二是实行隔离监控。禁止调运东台市和海安县所有家禽及其产品,