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截至9月2日,水稻重大病虫累计发生7.8亿亩次,累计防治10亿亩次。经组织大规模防控,大部稻区病虫发生总体轻于上年同期。其中,稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟累计发生1.92亿亩和1.53亿亩,同比均减少30%左右;稻瘟病累计发生3600万亩,同比减少43%,西南、东北稻区等主要流行区病穗率大部控制在3%以内。蝗虫防控工作基本结束,全面实现了“飞蝗不起飞成灾、土蝗不扩散危害”的治理目标。受雨水偏多影响,甘肃等西北马铃薯产区晚疫病发生 As of September 2, a total of 780 million mu of major pests and diseases occurred in rice, the cumulative control of 1 billion mu times. Large-scale prevention and control by the organization, the majority of pests and diseases occurred in the rice area generally lighter than the same period last year. Among them, planthoppers, rice leafrolls cumulative total of 192 million mu and 153 million mu, down 30% over the same period; rice blast occurred 3600 acres, down 43%, Southwest, Northeast and other major epidemic areas Disease panicle rate most controlled within 3%. The prevention and control of locusts have basically ended, and the goal of “locust non-take-off and disasters spreading” has been fully realized. Affected by the heavy rain, late blight in Gansu and other northwestern potato producing areas occurred
1998年八运会结束后晋中体校重新招生组队。至今已有多数年龄在14~15岁之间的运动员 ,1998年11月1日~1999年3月31日冬训期间 ,每天训练时间为 :早上6∶00~7∶30 ,下午2∶00~5∶00。每天除了按计划进行正常的技术训练
用步冷曲线法研究并绘制了CaCl2·6H2O-MgCl2·6H2O多温截面图,实验显示该截面有两个四相转熔反应,其转熔温度分别为25.0℃和22.0℃.结果表明,CaCl2·6H2O-MgCl2·6H2O混合盐可用于低温相变储热. The multi-temperature cross-se
Aim:To investigate whether sodium ferulate (SF) can protect cortical neuronsfrom glutamate-induced neurotoxicity and the mechanisms responsible for thisprotect
Aim:Overdoses of haloperidol are associated with major ventricular arrhythmias,cardiac conduction block,and sudden death.The aim of this experiment was tostudy
1970~1989年住院早产儿病死率为35.63%,早产儿主要病因主要是肺炎和硬肿症,胎龄<32周的病死率仍居高不下.肺出血是主要死因. The mortality rate of hospitalized premature infants
阐述美学原理在科技期刊广告设计中的运用,并以一些设计实例说明。 Expounds the application of aesthetics principle in advertisement design of sci-tech periodicals,
锐词  公文旅行  指一份公文在政府机关内部经过逐级上报、审批再在相关部门之间传送的过程就像旅游一样,要转很多个地方,经历很多人手,才能最终达到目的地。  开药驾照  第三军医大学西南医院在全国首推“驾照式”管理医生合理用药制度。医生的处方权就好比驾照,实行记分制,一旦严重违规,被扣满12分,就可能被降级停岗。  无县时代  指的是在城镇化发展背景下,全國各大城市辖区内的县改为县级市或者区的现象。