
来源 :长江流域资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:raggae
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Modelling landscapes with GIS provides a powerful tool to analyze and model terrestrial ecosystems for land use planning. In order to gain realistic results, input data has to represent the natural environment as realistically as possible. While some of the fundamental data layers such as topography and soils are more or less static, climatic data is variable both in space and time. Modeling orders with GIS provides a powerful tool to analyze and model terrestrial ecosystems for land use planning. In order to gain realistic results, input data has to represent the natural environment as realistically as possible. While some of the fundamental data layers such as topography and soils are more or less static, climatic data is variable both in space and time.
纺丝供胶压力对粘胶生产线十分重要,本文介绍了变频技术在纺丝供胶压力调节系统中的应用,对其工作原理、软件组态等作了详细说明。 Spinning for plastic pressure on visco
Short sediment cores retrieved from Bosten Lake, the largest inland freshwater lake in China, were used to explore humidity and precipitation variations in arid
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摘要:形成于19世纪末20世纪初的科学管理思想开创了管理新时代,历经百年,泰罗思想对现代企业管理仍具有指导意义,管理科学化依然是理论与实践研究的一个主题。本文通过梳理泰罗的经典文献,再一次对泰罗科学管理重新认识与思考,分析其对当前人力资源管理的影响。  关键词:泰罗、科学管理、人力资源管理  通过大量的实例验证将传统的工作经验总结上升为科学的管理理论,开创了管理思想界的先河,使管理成为一门真正科学