Retrospective Clinical Analysis of 38 Cases of Pulmonary Embolism

来源 :South China Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beret85
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Objectives To investigate the clinical feature of acute pulmonary embolism. Methods Retrospective clinical analysis was performed according to the data of 38 cases of pulmonary embolism. Results There were ground diseases and predisposing factors in 36 cases of pulmonary embolism among 38 cases, the ratio was 94.7%,among the total predisposing factors, tumor,cardiovascular disease,venous thrombosis of lower extremity, smoking and long-term bed were common. There was no specificity in clinical feature, physical sign and rout chest X ray, electrocardiography, and their appearances were diversified. There were specificity and sensitivity in echocardiogram (UCG) and D-dimer to some extent. But, the final diagnosis must depend on some special examinations, such as selective pulmonary arteriography, CTPA, MRA and so on. Conclusions The special examinations must be done to make a definite diagnosis to confirm pulmonary embolism when the high risk factors and ground diseases are existing. It is necessary to some cases when the clinical feature can not be explained by other diseases. Objectives To investigate the clinical feature of acute pulmonary embolism. Methods Retrospective clinical analysis was performed according to the data of 38 cases of pulmonary embolism. Results There were ground diseases and predisposing factors in 36 cases of pulmonary embolism among 38 cases, the ratio was 94.7 %, among the total predisposing factors, tumor, cardiovascular disease, venous thrombosis of lower extremity, smoking and long-term bed were common. There was no specificity in clinical feature, physical sign and rout chest X ray, electrocardiography, and their appearances were diversified. There were specificity and sensitivity in echocardiogram (UCG) and D-dimer to some extent. But, the final diagnosis must depend on some special examinations, such as selective pulmonary arteriography, CTPA, MRA and so on. Conclusions The special examinations must be done to make a definite diagnosis to confirm pulmonary embolism when the high risk factors and ground diseases are existing. It i s necessary to some cases when the clinical feature can not be explained by other diseases.
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