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一、概述随着计算机软件技术的发展,医院信息管理系统得到了广泛的应用。医院信息管理系统涵盖门急诊管理、住院管理、医技管理、药库药房管理等多个子系统。医嘱管理是住院管理系统的一部分,主要完成住院期间床位的变动处理,从医生医嘱开出到医嘱实施的全部内容,提供包括用药 First, an overview With the development of computer software technology, hospital information management system has been widely used. Hospital information management system covers emergency management, hospital management, medical management, pharmacy pharmacy management and other subsystems. Medical advice management is part of the hospital management system, mainly to complete the change of beds during hospitalization, from the doctor’s advice out to the doctor’s advice the implementation of the entire content, including medication
摘要目的通过对贝伐珠单抗治疗复发性脑胶质瘤(GBM)病人的随机多中心临床研究,对照对比剂增强(CE)T1加权减影地形图与常规节段法协助预期诊断临床结果,包括 Abstract Object
Regenerative liver surgery is the field of research and clinical practice which tries to increase the volume of the future liver remnant prior to resection. Too
Obesity represents a growing health problem in the United States and worldwide, with a prevalence that has doubled since 1980 (1). In the United States, 70% of
观察就是用眼睛来感受视觉信息的过程,观察是认识的基础。要学好汉字,首先要学会观察。低年级学生观察事物是不够细心的,观察事物的过程也比较零乱,缺乏系统性,常常东看一下西看一下,难以激发他们的思维。因此,在识字写字教学中,应重视培养学生的观察能力,让学生快乐“识”“写”。  目前小学写字教学现状是,进行到写字教学环节,无一例外都是一个模式,缺乏写字教学的层次性,教学的无序状态很大程度上制约了教学效率的
目前,学校出现了一种被专家称为“中部塌陷”的现象——教研组长在学校教学管理和课程改革中的引领作用被严重削弱,本应成为学校管理的中坚力量以及学科建设和课改实践领航者的教研组长已处于边缘化状态。  一、教研组长边缘化的主要表现  1.在教学管理中的影响力已经探底。不少学校实行学校与年级组“双层管理模式”,即年级组负责制,学校的教育教学管理遵循“校长—处室—年级”线性流程,教研组长的职能被人为削弱,有的
In a 72-year-old female patient, a 2 cm large lesion over liver segment 7 (S7) was incidentally diagnosed during a hepatitis C follow-up. The patient was asympt
With the worldwide spread of diet westeization, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has becoming frequent disorder. NAFL
A 46-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with a 6-month history of recurrent hypoglycemia with an unknown cause. Four months back, he was diagnosed with a
当前高中语文课程分“选修”与“必修”,“选修”课的开设受教材编写质量、教学方式方法、教学管理水平等诸多因素的影响,要达到开设选修课理想的效果,必须认清开设选修课的必要性,厘定开设选修课的方式,妥善处理选修课与必修课、综合实践课的关系。  一、理念与现实的问题  在学校教学中,出现了“凡考则教、不考不教、为考而教”的局面,导致选修课不“选修”,它的开设全由高考说了算,而不是由课标、课程计划来决定。基