倾注真情 改善环境——唐山市市政工程环境卫生管理处工作纪实

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在冀东辽阔的大地上,有一座在地震废墟上重塑的城市,这座城市的人民用汗水和辉煌向世人展现了京东“凤凰城”的风采,她就是唐山市。唐山市的城市建设者、管理者们正用辛勤的劳动雕琢着这座新城市的每一个角落,而在其中,唐山市市政工程环境卫生管理处的广大干部职工做出了非常大的贡献,她们用真情浇灌着一方热土,梳理着凤凰城的秀发,护理着她的面庞。从1997年开始,唐山市市政环卫处在处长黄希志、党委书记高维生的带领下,谋划长远市政环卫管理工作,提出了“一年一个样,三年大变样”的总体发展思路。以邓小平理论为指导,以纪念唐山抗震20周年江总书记来唐时,所做出的“弘扬公而忘私,患难与共,百折不挠,勇往直前的抗震精神,把新唐山建设的更繁荣更美好”的指示为动力,以建设现代化城市为目标,坚持“两个文明”一起抓,为推动唐山的城市形象和环境建设做出了重大贡献。4年来,市政环卫处组织新建城市道路近20条,全长20.6公里,总投资近7亿元;进行道路日常维护,完成补坑盖被12万平方米;疏通排水管线50.35万米;完 In the vast land of Jidong, there is a city remodeled on the ruins of the earthquake. The people of this city have demonstrated the style of Jingdong “Phoenix ” with sweat and glory. She is Tangshan. Tangshan city builders and managers are carving every corner of this new city with hard work, and among them, the cadres and workers of Tangshan Municipal Municipal Environmental Engineering Office made a great contribution, They use the truth watering the hot side of one, combing the hair of the city of Phoenix, nursing her face. Since 1997, under the leadership of Director Huang Xizhi and Party Secretary Gao Weisheng, Tangshan Municipal Sanitation and Sanitation Department has planned the long-term municipal sanitation management and put forward the overall development mentality of “one year, one sample and three years”. Deng Xiaoping Theory as a guide to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Tangshan Earthquake General Secretary Jiang to Tang, made “to carry forward the public and personal, sharing of difficulties, perseverance, courage and courage, the construction of a more prosperous new Tangshan better ”As the driving force to build a modern city as the goal, adhere to the“ two civilizations ”together, to promote Tangshan’s city image and the environment has made significant contributions. Over the past four years, the municipal sanitation department has organized nearly 20 new urban roads with a total length of 20.6 kilometers and a total investment of nearly 700 million yuan. The routine maintenance of the roads completes the replacement pit cover of 120,000 square meters, and clears drainage pipes of 503,500 meters.
辽沈战役攻打锦州时,我担任突击连连长。面对这场关系到东北战场和全国战局战略性转变的大决战,我们全连同志的心情是紧张而又激动的。 1948年10月13日上午,突击连任务终于
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前列腺素E_1(prostaglandin E_1PGE_1)为具有多种药理作用的生物活性物质,在治疗肝脏疾病中作用广泛,疗效显著。复习有关文献综述如下。 1 PGE_1对重症肝炎的早期治疗效果好