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腰果是世界著名四大干果之一,它不仅味美可口,而且营养丰富,含有蛋白质、碳水化合物、钙、磷、铁和维生素等多种营养成份。用来制作菜肴,成菜香酥脆美,风味独特,颇受食者青睐。 腰果鸡球 原料:鸡脯肉200克 腰果100克 熟火腿20克 熟笋50克 水发香菇20克 鸡蛋清2个 精盐3克 味精0.5克 白糖2.5克 料酒8克 干淀粉5克 湿淀粉8克 鸡汤50克 熟鸡油10克 色拉油500克(约耗100克) 制法:1.将鸡脯肉剔去白筋,片成4厘米见方的薄片。腰果先放开水锅中煮一会儿,然后捞出沥去水,放入三成热的油锅中,用小火炸呈淡黄色时倒入漏勺沥去油后晾凉。 2.将鸡片放入碗里,加精盐1克、料酒5克轻轻拌匀,再加入鸡蛋清、干淀粉抓拌浆好。在每片鸡片上放一个腰果,包成直径2厘米的小圆球。把香菇、火腿、笋均切成锯齿状的片。 3.炒锅置旺火上,用油滑锅后放入色拉油,烧至油温五成热时,将腰果鸡球下锅走油,见外皮定型时,倒入漏勺沥去油。 4.炒锅中留少许底油,复置旺火上,放入香菇、火腿、笋煸炒几下,加入鸡汤、白糖、精盐、料酒、味精,烧沸后用湿淀粉勾薄芡,随即倒入腰果鸡球,颠翻两下,淋上熟鸡油,出锅装盘即成。 特点:鸡肉鲜嫩,腰果香脆,形美味佳。 Cashew is one of the world’s top four dried fruits. It is not only delicious and nutritious, but also contains various nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins. Used to make dishes, into crisp and delicious dishes, unique flavor, quite popular with eaters. Cashew Chicken Ball Ingredients: Chicken breast 200g Cashew 100g cooked ham 20g cooked bamboo shoots 50g water hair mushrooms 20g egg white 2 salt 3g MSG 0.5g sugar 2.5g cooking wine 8g dry starch 5g wet starch 8g Chicken soup 50 grams Cooked chicken oil 10 grams salad oil 500 grams (about 100 grams consumed) Method: 1. Picky chicken breasts white ribs, into 4 cm square slices. Cashew first open the water boiled for a while, and then remove and drain Lek into the water, into the three into the heat of the pan, with a small yellow frying when the fat into the colander Lek oil to Liang Liang. 2. The chicken pieces into the bowl, add salt 1 grams, 5 grams of cooking wine gently mix well, then add egg white, dry starch, grab a good paste. Place a cashew nut on each piece of chicken and wrap it into small balls of 2 cm in diameter. The mushrooms, ham, bamboo shoots are cut into jagged pieces. 3 Wok stir, put the oil pan with oil pan, burn until the oil temperature five into the heat, the cashew chicken ball pan, see the skin shape, pour colander to the oil. 4. Wok left a little oil, reset the stir, put mushrooms, ham, bamboo shoots stir a few, add chicken broth, sugar, salt, cooking wine, MSG, after boiling with wet starch hook thin 芡, then Pour cashew chicken ball, upside down twice, topped with cooked chicken oil, pan pan Serve. Features: Chicken tender, cashew crisp, delicious shape.
陕西·刘海波问:牛奶或羊奶煮热,鸡蛋打入奶中熟后稍凉,再在奶液中加入蜂蜜同吃,是否科学?奶、蛋、蜂蜜同吃是否有缺点? Shaanxi Liu Haibo Q: hot milk or goat milk, eggs into
当你既想获得美丽,又不想忍受刀光剑影时,美容面膜便成为最佳的选择。 When you both want to get beautiful, do not want to endure Swordsmanship, cosmetic mask will b
主料:虾肉末250克 鸡蛋25克 冬笋50克 水发木耳10克 调料:黄酒10克 酱油30克 食盐5克 白糖5克 猪油50克 芝麻油5克 湿淀粉、葱姜末、味精各少许 制作:1.虾肉末放入碗里,加鸡
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谢默斯,希尼(1939-),出生于北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特。1955年获诺贝尔文学奖。他继承了爱尔兰文学的优秀传统,以极富感情色彩的田园抒情诗见长。  《耕耘》一诗就是以劳动为主题的诗歌,让我们去领略诗人诗歌“具有抒情诗般的美和伦理深度,使日常生活中的奇迹和活生生的往事得以升华”(获诺贝尔文学奖获奖词)的风采吧。  食指与拇指之间静静地  躺着短粗的钢笔  像握着一把雅致的枪  窗外传来一声脆响  当