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承包制在激烈波动的外部环境下,稳住了企业,稳住了职工队伍。 去年,企业面临着“五紧”状况,正常生产经营受到很大影响,各地和企业千方百计想办法,克服了许多困难;春夏之交,全国部分地区出现了动乱,北京还发生了反革命暴乱,一些地区出现了冲击工厂的严重情况。在这种严峻复杂的形势面前,由于各地企业坚决贯彻党中央,国务院的一系列重要指示,企业领导干部和职工发扬了主人翁精神,并且发挥了承包制所具有的内在利益机制和约束机制的作用,他们顶住干扰,坚守岗位,保证了企业的正常生产。下半年,当社会上出现是否继续坚持承包制的议论时,各地党委和政府采取了坚决措施,明确表示承包经营责任制不变,厂长负责制不变,工效挂钩政策不变。特别是在国务院领导同志多次肯定和五中全会及时作出决定之后,统一了各地和企业的认识,坚定了大家坚 Contracting system in the fierce fluctuations of the external environment, stabilize the business and stabilize the workforce. Last year, the enterprises were faced with the situation of “five tight grips.” The normal production and operation were greatly affected. Various localities and enterprises tried their best to find solutions to many difficulties. At the turn of spring and summer, turmoil occurred in some areas of the country, and counter-revolutionary riots took place in Beijing. Some areas hit the factory in serious condition. In the face of this grim and complex situation, as enterprises in various places resolutely implemented a series of important instructions from the Party Central Committee and the State Council, leading cadres and staff of enterprises carried forward their ownership and played the role of the inherent interest and restraint mechanism of the contract system , They withstand the interference, stick to their posts, to ensure the normal production of enterprises. In the second half of the year, when the society appears to persist in the discussion of the contract system, the party committees and governments in all places have taken resolute measures to make it clear that the contract management responsibility system will remain unchanged, the factory director responsibility system will remain unchanged, and the ergonomics-linked policy will remain unchanged. Especially after the leaders of the State Council repeatedly affirmed and the Fifth Plenary Session made timely decisions, they have unanimously recognized all localities and enterprises,
一、当前的困境 我国物资体制改革取得初期可喜成就,但在深化改革的进程中,特别是1988年以来陷入了困境。因客观条件制约而使改革进一步深化难以迈步,后退又可能导致改革夭
本文提出了民族地区的高校图书馆工作人员继续教育的必要性,及其现实意义,着重论述了民族高校图书馆馆员进行继续教育的主要内容、形式及措施等。 This paper puts forward
一、前言 LY12合金是飞机制造业中使用最普遍的铝合金,它广泛地应用于飞机各类结构件。LY12合金零件的成型通常采用机械加工或钣金成型。在钣金零件中,LY12合金制件占所有钣