
来源 :中国现代医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sssmickey
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目的 :组织胞浆菌是一种真菌 ,由家禽及鸟类传播 ,可引起人的深部真菌病。我们进行的流调工作 ,对掌握疾病流行情况、制定防治措施及对结核病的防治工作具有重要意义。方法 :调查对象是健康人、住院的肺结核病人、住院的非结核性肺疾患病人。使用的方法是在前臂内侧皮内注射酵母相组织胞浆菌素 (Histolyn -CYL)。同时在另一前臂做PPD皮试 (1∶1万 )。结果 :中南邵阳地区健康人组织胞浆菌素皮试阳性率2 2 .4 0 %。肺结核病人阳性率 31.6 0 %。非结核病肺部疾病阳性率 15 .85 %。华东南京地区健康人阳性率15 .10 %。肺结核病等阳性率 17.74 %。西南成都地区健康人阳性率 2 1.77%。肺结核病人阳性率 5 4 .4 4 %。结论 :组织胞浆菌感染率很高 ,与人文地理条件密切相关 ,差异很大。因此制订防治措施也应有所不同 ,应结合当地具体情况。 Purpose: Histoplasma is a fungus that is transmitted by poultry and birds and causes deep fungal disease in humans. The flow control work we conducted is of great significance in grasping the epidemic situation, formulating prevention and control measures and preventing and treating tuberculosis. Methods: The subjects were healthy people, hospitalized tuberculosis patients and hospitalized patients with non-tuberculosis pulmonary disease. The method used was intradermal injection of Histolyn-CYL in the forearm. At the same time in the other forearm to do PPD skin test (1:10 000). Results: The positive rate of histoplasmin skin test in healthy people in Central South Shaoyang was 22.04%. The positive rate of tuberculosis patients was 31.6%. The positive rate of non-tuberculosis lung disease was 15.85%. East Nanjing healthy subjects positive rate of 15.10%. Tuberculosis and other positive rates of 17.74%. The positive rate of healthy people in southwest Chengdu was 2 1.77%. The positive rate of tuberculosis patients was 54.44%. Conclusion: The infection rate of histoplasmosis is very high, which is closely related to the human geography conditions, with great difference. Therefore, the development of prevention and control measures should also be different, should be combined with the specific situation on the ground.
目的 了解高危人群的细胞免疫水平对预防艾滋病 (AIDS)与性传播疾病 (STD)感染的关系。方法 采用流式细胞术和血清病原学测定桑拿服务员的CD+ 4 T细胞及AIDS/STD抗体携带。
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