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幽默是作文的一种技巧,也可理解为写作的一种修辞方法,但更重要的它还是智慧的体现,快乐的源泉。一个成功的幽默,常常会引来一阵欢乐开怀的笑声。本期“幽默大转盘”刊出的几篇作文都在一定程度上展现了幽默的魅力,不仅使文章生色不少,而且也必然会给读者带来快乐。黄可莹小朋友的《RedPackage》写对节日里接受红包的感受。小作者以红包的厚度来判断价值的大小,结果屡屡被“骗”。文中说“虽然我已不只被redpackage‘骗’过两次,但下次拿时,我还是会猜一下里面有多少money的。”为什么呢?因为其快乐在于节日的气氛,在于猜测过程中那一种激动而微妙的感受。读郭俊的《刮“胡子”》,真令人忍俊不禁。一个五岁的小男孩偷偷地学着爸爸刮胡子,自己没有胡子便刮头发,头发太长刮不下,最后竟将眉毛刮掉了。从中我们可以看到儿童的天真和好奇心,一个稚气活泼、机灵好动的儿童形象真实地呈现在大家面前。比较而言,六年级小朋友陈雁南的《粽子变“纸”》和谢预盈的《ZOO》最富幽默感。《粽子变“纸”》写了一个很有趣的故事:姐姐在读《自然生物》中的话:“食物放的时间长了就会变质……”妹妹听了便去做实验,把一只粽子放在抽屉里变“纸”。结果纸没有变出来,粽子却变成发臭的怪物。原来妹妹把“变质”理解成了“变纸”,结果闹出了这一震惊全家的超级笑话。小作者非常聪明,巧妙地运用了语言的谐音现象,创造了一个感人的幽默故事。《ZOO》用活泼幽默的语言写出了班级的和谐气氛,一个个有趣的外号,一片片浓烈的友情,难怪作者要感叹,“我喜欢这个动物园,更爱这些令人发笑的外号。”如果对小作者作更高的要求,那么这些文章也还存在一些缺点。比如看红包,如能看到红包中的亲情那该多好,现在光写钱多钱少,境界就不够高了。 Humor is a technique of writing, but also a rhetorical method of writing, but more importantly, it is also the embodiment of wisdom and the source of happiness. A successful humor often leads to a happy laughter. Several essays published in this issue of “Humorous Turntable” are to some extent show the charm of humor, not only make the article a lot of color, but also inevitably bring happiness to readers. Huang Keying children's “RedPackage” write about the feelings of the festival to accept the red envelope. The small author to the thickness of the red envelope to determine the value of the size, the result is often “cheated.” The article said, “Although I have not only been cheated by the redpackage twice, but next time, I will guess how much money there.” Why? Because of its happiness lies in the atmosphere of the festival is that the process of speculation that An exciting and subtle feeling. Reading Guo Jun's “scraping” beard “”, it really makes people laugh. A five-year-old boy secretly learned that his father shaved his beard, scraped his hair without a beard, his hair was too long to shave, and his eyebrows were scraped off. From which we can see the children's innocence and curiosity, a childlike lively, playful children's image truly presented to everyone. In comparison, sixth grade student Chen Yanan's “Zongzi change” paper “and Xie pre-profit” ZOO “the most sense of humor. ”Zongzi change“ paper ”wrote a very interesting story: sister in reading“ natural biology ”in the words:“ food will be degenerative for a long time ... ”Sister heard it to do the experiment, put a dumpling Change “paper” in the drawer. Results did not change out of paper, dumplings have become stinking monster. The original sister “metamorphosis” understood as “change paper”, the result of this shocking family super super joke. The author is very clever, clever use of the language of homophonic phenomenon, creating a moving sense of humor. “ZOO” in a lively and humorous language to write the harmonious atmosphere of the class, one interesting nickname, a strong friendship, no wonder the author lamented, “I love the zoo, but love these lameable nickname. ”There are some shortcomings in these articles if the requirements for the younger author are even higher. For example, to see red envelopes, red envelopes, as can be seen in the family how much better, and now write more money and less money, the realm is not high enough.
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