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暑假我们一家来到了以明祖陵而闻名的盱眙。盱眙原是安徽的一个县,后划分到江苏,明祖陵在盱眙境内,是因为朱元璋的老家在安徽。“明祖陵”顾名思义,就是安放明太祖祖宗的陵墓。朱元璋做了皇帝后,为纪念祖先,专门修建了祖父、曾祖父和高祖父的衣冠陵墓,而且明祖陵也是朱元璋祖父母的实际下葬地。明祖陵紧靠中国的第四大淡水湖洪泽湖东岸,1680年,明祖陵在一场特大洪水中沉入洪泽湖底,从此成了“水下皇陵”。直到近三百年后,洪泽湖遇到特大干旱,明祖陵才得以重见天日。经整修后,2003年对外开放。明祖陵地上建筑已经毁坏,殿堂倒塌,只剩下几个柱子,和明故宫一样,作为一个遗址。地下部分经专家考证还保存完好,现暂未开发。 In the summer vacation, our family came to the famous Ming Tomb. Ebara was a county in Anhui Province. It was later divided into Jiangsu and the Ming Tombs were located in the territory of Shu, because Zhu Yuanzhang’s hometown was in Anhui. The Mingzu Mausoleum, as its name implies, is the mausoleum of the ancestors of the Ming dynasty. After Zhu Yuanzhang became the emperor, in honor of his ancestors, he specially built grandfather’s tombs, great-grandfather’s and grandfather’s clothing tombs, and the Mingzu Mausoleum was the actual burial ground of Zhu Yuanzhang’s grandparents. The Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty was close to the east coast of Hongze Lake, the fourth largest freshwater lake in China. In 1680, the Tomb of the Ming Dynasty sank into the bottom of Hongze Lake in a catastrophic flood, which became the “underwater imperial tomb”. Until nearly three hundred years later, when Hongze Lake encountered a major drought, the Mingzu Mausoleum was revived. After renovations, it opened to the outside world in 2003. The Tombs of the Ming Tombs have been destroyed and the temples have collapsed. There are only a few pillars left, which are the same sites as the Ming Imperial Palace. The underground part was still well preserved by experts and it has not yet been developed.
本文根据规范要求,就地下车库的火灾自动报警系统的设计,规范的边界等的问题进行探讨。 Based on the requirements of the specification, this article discusses the des
中原大战是近代中国史上规模最大的新军阀混战。阎锡山是中原大战的主角之一。本文试就阎锡山与中原大战的发动、结局等问题作一探析。 1928年底,蒋介石在形式上统一了中国,