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自古以来,人们都希望养生长寿。早在二千五百多年前春秋战国时期,有一部医学文献巨著《黄帝内经》,就有这方面的记载。《内经》包括《素问》和《灵枢》两部分。在《素问》第一篇“上古天真论”中记载了养生长寿的原则和方法。中医病因学分为三大类:外因,是指外感六淫,疫疠等;内因,是指内伤七情;不内外因,是指烧伤跌打金刃所伤,房事过度,饮食不节等。“虚邪贼风,避之有时”,说的是要防止外因,对外界不正常的气候和有害致病因素,要及时避开它;“恬淡虚无”,是指防止内因,思想上要保持安闲而少欲望;“美其食……”,是指防止不內外因,注意饮食居处、阴阳房事。以上内容可谓是养 Since ancient times, people all hope that life and longevity. As early as 2,500 years ago, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there was a medical literature monograph “The Yellow Emperor’s Canon”, there are records in this regard. “Classic” includes “Su asked” and “spiritual pivot” in two parts. In “Su asked” the first “ancient innocence” recorded in the principles and methods of longevity. Etiology of traditional Chinese medicine is divided into three categories: external causes, refers to the exogenous six prostitution, epidemic disease, etc .; internal, refers to the internal injuries seven emotions; not internal and external causes, refers to the burn injury or injury, excessive sexual intercourse, diet and so on. “The imaginary thief wind, to avoid the sometimes,” said that to prevent external causes, the outside world is not normal climate and harmful factors, in a timely manner to avoid it; “Tranquil nothingness” is to prevent the internal causes, to maintain the ideological Ease and less desire; “the United States their food ......”, is to prevent no internal and external factors, pay attention to food habitat, yin and yang intercourse. The above can be described as raising
翻开世界浩如烟云的报刊杂志,关于美国著名田径运动员刘易斯的报道,可谓屡见不鲜。但是,你可曾知晓, Open the world of voluminous newspapers and magazines, on the repo
应台湾中华海运研究会邀请 ,中国航海学会一行 13人于 4月 16日~ 2 4日访问了台湾。在台期间 ,双方召开了台湾海峡溢油应急计划研讨会 ,参观了基隆、台中和高雄等港口 ,并与之