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当前,一些地区和企业资金紧缺,已严重困扰了其正常的生产和经营,甚至直接影响其生存和发展。有人认为,这种现象的出现,是因为中央采取宏观调控措施后,银行收回了违章拆借资金,企业搞社会集资的路给堵死了,债券也不让发行而造成的。笔者认为,观察分析问题,要有全面观点,要透过现象观其本质。从我国经济发展实际情况看,企业资金紧缺是一个历史现象,因为我国是一个发展中国家,经济要发展而且要加快发展,资金紧缺是一个长期的问题。反映企业资金状况的一个重要指标是银行信贷收支统计报表上的“企业存款”。据有关资料统计,这方面的实际情况是,早在1993年中央加强宏观调控之前的六月份,“企业存款”就下降了287亿元;七月份下降340亿元;八月份下降106亿元;九月份只下降6亿元,比l992年同期少下降119亿元。另一方面,1993年第三季度银行采取“堵邪路,开正门”后,中国人民银行向专业银行发放贷款1008亿元,同期国家银行对企业发放各项贷款1003亿元,比l992年同期多增加贷款约300亿元。可见,企业资金紧缺不是因为中央加强宏观调控造成的。 那么,当前企业资金紧缺的原因是什么呢?笔者认为,当前企业资金紧缺的原因是多方面的,综合分析主要有以下几方面: 首先,因定资产投资增长过猛,规模过大、占用资金过多,这是导 At present, the shortage of funds in some regions and enterprises has seriously plagued their normal production and operations, and even directly affected their survival and development. Some people think that the emergence of this phenomenon is because the central government has taken macro-control measures, the bank has recovered illegal borrowing funds, and the way the company engages in social fund-raising has been blocked and bonds are not allowed to be issued. The author believes that to observe and analyze the issue, we must have a comprehensive view, and we must look at the nature of the phenomenon through it. Judging from the actual situation of China’s economic development, the shortage of funds for enterprises is a historical phenomenon. Because China is a developing country, the economy must develop and it must accelerate its development. The shortage of funds is a long-term problem. An important indicator that reflects the status of corporate funds is the “corporate deposits” on the statistical statements of bank credit receipts and payments. According to relevant statistics, the actual situation in this regard was that as early as in June 1993 before the central government tightened macroeconomic regulation and control, “corporate deposits” dropped by 28.7 billion yuan; in July, they dropped by 34.0 billion yuan; in August, they dropped by 10.6 billion yuan; In September, it only fell by 600 million yuan, a decrease of 11.9 billion yuan from the same period in l992. On the other hand, after the Bank adopted the “illegible road and opened the main door” in the third quarter of 1993, the People’s Bank of China issued a loan of 100.8 billion yuan to specialized banks, and the state bank issued loans of 100.3 billion yuan to enterprises over the same period of l992. Increased loans by about 30 billion yuan. It can be seen that the shortage of corporate funds is not due to the central government’s efforts to strengthen macro-control. So, what are the reasons for the current shortage of corporate funds? The author believes that the current shortage of corporate funds is due to many reasons, comprehensive analysis of the following aspects: First, due to excessive growth in fixed assets investment, the scale is too large, take up funds Too much, this is a guide
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