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按照形成主体功能区的要求,完善区域政策,调整经济布局,是对我国长期高速增长所积累的矛盾的正确回应,对于区域协调发展战略的丰富和深化具有重要的现实意义。川西北地区在四川经济社会发展中的主体功能应当定位为:优先确保该区域涵养水源、净化水质、蓄洪防旱、调节气候和维护生物多样性等重要生态功能的发挥,在实现生态系统和生物多样性的保护、区域生态环境改善的基础上,重点解决农牧民的民生问题,推进社会经济的全面协调可持续发展。该区域发展战略为:构建开放式生态保护机制、实施“U”字形产业发展战略、推进人口有序转移和合理布局;同时应制定财政投资、产业发展、土地利用、人口管理、生态环境保护、绩效评价和政绩考核等六个方面的配套政策。 Improving the regional policies and adjusting the economic layout in accordance with the requirements of forming the main functional areas is the correct response to the contradictions accumulated by China’s long-term rapid growth, which is of great practical significance for the enrichment and deepening of the regional coordinated development strategies. The main function of northwestern Sichuan in economic and social development in Sichuan should be positioned as giving priority to ensuring that important ecological functions such as conserving water, purifying water, preventing floods during flood storage, regulating climate and maintaining biological diversity are given priority to in the implementation of ecosystems and organisms Diversity protection and improvement of regional ecological environment, focusing on solving the livelihood problems of peasants and herdsmen and promoting the all-round coordinated and sustainable social and economic development. The strategy for the development of the region is to build an open ecological protection mechanism and implement the strategy of “U” shaped industrial development so as to promote the orderly transfer of population and rational distribution of the population. At the same time, the formulation of fiscal investment, industrial development, land use, population management and ecological environment Protection, performance evaluation and performance evaluation of six aspects of supporting policies.