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在考试为本位的教育体制下,考试状元自然是一个人们热衷的话题。因此,高考状元被媒体、被社会甚至被北大清华这样的明星高校关注,也就不奇怪了。虽然媒体们在抨击教育体制弊端、抨击一考定人生时不遗余力,但还是不能免俗地在“高考状元”的炒作诱惑下揎臂上阵,而像北大清华这样 In the examination-based education system, the exam champion is naturally a topic of enthusiasm. Therefore, it is not surprising that the college entrance examination scholars are being noticed by the media and the society and even star universities like Peking University Tsinghua University. Although the media have spared no effort in attacking the disadvantages of the education system and attacking the exams, they are still unable to exempt themselves from the temptation of the “primary school entrance exam”, like the Peking University’s Tsinghua University.
斑点叉尾鮰卵为圆球形、桔黄色,属于沉性,透明并具有粘性,卵与卵之间的粘性较强,产出时互相粘合成不规则的块状。卵的平均直径为3.457 mm,受精卵在水温 25.5—29℃时,出膜时
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