Release of Soil Nonexchangeable K by Organic Acids

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abenwin
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The amounts of soil nonexchangeable K extracted with 0.01 mL/ L oxalic acid and citric acid solutions and that with boiling 1 mL/ L HNO3 for ten minutes were remarkably significantly correlated with each other, and the amount extracted with the oxalic acid solution was higher than that with the citric acid solution. The soil nonexchangeable K release was comprised of two first-order kinetic processes. The faster one was ascribed to the interlayer K in outer sphere, while the slower one to that in inner sphere. The rate constants of the soil nonexchageable K were significantly correlated with the amounts of nonexchangeable K extracted with boiling ImL/ L HNO3 for ten minutes. Study on the fitness of different kinetic equations indicated that the first-order, parabolic diffusion and zero-order equations could all describe the release of soil nonexchangeable K. well, but Elovich equation was not suitable to describe it. The amounts of soil nonexchangeable K extracted with 0.01 mL / L oxalic acid and citric acid solutions and that with boiling 1 mL / L HNO3 for ten minutes were remarkably significantly correlated with each other, and the amount extracted with the oxalic acid solution was higher than that with the citric acid solution. The soil nonexchangeable K release was comprised of two first-order kinetic processes. The faster one was ascribed to the interlayer K in outer sphere, while the slower one to that in inner sphere. The rate constants of the Study on the fitness of different kinetic equations indicated that the first-order, parabolic diffusion and zero-order equations could all describe the release of soil nonexchangeable K. well, but Elovich equation was not suitable to describe it.
Soil water is one of renewable water resources. Some properties of soil water concerning with its availability to plant are briefly described. An equation for
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