创精彩互动 促有效生成

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新课程理念下的课堂教学不再是老师讲、学生听的“安稳”课堂,它更像是一出学生当主角,师生不断交锋、互动的即兴舞台剧。在这个开放的舞台上,老师是大方向的调控者,是学生思维的催发者;在这个舞台上,学生可以开放思维、张扬个性。只有在这充满生气的课堂氛围中,智慧的火花才会被一次次点燃,动态生成资源才会不断涌现。所以说,生成源于师生间的精彩互动。 Classroom teaching under the concept of the new curriculum is no longer a teacher’s talk. The students listen to the class of “stable”, which is more like an impromptu stage play in which students are the protagonists, teachers and students keep fighting and interacting each other. On this open stage, the teacher is the general director and the reminder of the student’s thinking. On this stage, the student can open his mind and show his personality. Only in this vibrant classroom atmosphere, the spark of wisdom will be ignited again and again, the dynamic generation of resources will continue to emerge. So, generated from the wonderful interaction between teachers and students.
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蜗(wo)牛蓝卡(lan ka)静静地趴在芭蕉(ba jiao)叶子上,睡着了,它头上两个小小的触(chu)角却还醒着,它们湿漉(lu)漉的,嗅(xiu)来嗅去…… Snail Calla lurks quietly on the
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
研究新教材,按照高一学生的个性特点和认知结构,设计出指导学生高效率学习的有效方法.使学生适应新教材,顺利完成高初中数学衔接学习. To study the new teaching materials