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1 病例报告患者男性,67岁。因阵发性心前区疼痛4年,加重伴右下肢幻失,疼痛4个半小时,于1997年8月11日上午10时入院。患者于1993年无明显诱因出现阵发性心前区疼痛,位于胸骨下段,约手掌面积大小,每次持续约10分钟,休息后可缓解未治疗。于1997 1 Case Report Patients Male, 67 years old. Due to paroxysmal pain in the anterior region for 4 years, aggravated with right lower extremity dysfunction, pain for 4 and a half hours, at 10 o’clock on the August 11, 1997 was admitted. Patients in 1993 no significant incentive to paroxysmal suprarenal area pain, located in the lower part of the sternum, about the size of the palm area, each lasting about 10 minutes after the rest can ease the untreated. In 1997
Background and Purpose-Little is known about the relevance of age related white matter lesions (WMLs) concerning outcome after first-ever territorial stroke. Ba
Background: Intravenous thrombolysis with rt-PA improves outcome in acute ischemic stroke. In a prospective study we analyzed the annual frequency of rt-PA trea
广东作为建筑装饰潮流最前沿地区之一,也是国内装饰设计比较高水平竞争的领域,特别在广州地区,从事该行业的人员非常之多,近年淡泊的市场致使这一竞争更加激烈。 “城市组”
In order to design the best combination of the coating and the substrate for preventing the yield,the semi-analytical method(SAM)was used to analyze the von Mis
023 中外合资企业的合营双方应具备怎样的条件? (1)中方合营者的条件:中方合营者必须具有合法的身份和资格;具备履行相应经济法律行为的能力;应该是经过登记注册、领取营业
In this paper,nano-porous AlN micro-rods were prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),transmission electron micro
叶圣陶说:“生活就如泉源,文章犹如溪水,泉源丰盈而不枯竭,溪水自然活泼泼地流个不歇。” “写文章不是生活上的一种点缀,一种装饰,而就是生活的本身。”但在教育教学实践中,写作往往被割裂了同生活的联系而陷入了机械化、模式化、功利化的误区,很多时候写作不仅没有为学生的成长提供帮助,反而阻碍了学生主体精神的完善。  《语文课程标准》明确指出:“写作教学应贴近学生实际,让学生易于动笔,乐于表达,应引导学生关