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落实全面从严治党要求,党委负主体责任,纪委负监督责任,这不仅要求在理念上紧紧跟上,更要求在行动上实干起来。浙江省把实践“四种形态”作为重要抓手,通过层层传导压力,强化责任担当,党委的主体责任和纪委的监督责任进一步压紧、压实,为我们提供了有益借鉴。监督执纪“四种形态”是履行党委主体责任的题中应有之义,也是纪委深化“三转”的方向。党委的主体责任最终都体现在加强党的领导上,而党的领导本身就包含着对党员干部的管理与监督;纪委的监督责任绝不 To implement the principle of strict control of the party, the party committee has the responsibility of assuming the main responsibility and the commission of discipline inspection holding the responsibility of oversight. This requires not only keeping up with the concept, but also demanding practical action. Zhejiang Province took the practice of “four forms” as an important starting point. Through various layers of pressure transmission and strengthened responsibility, the main responsibility of the party committees and the supervisory responsibility of the Commission for Discipline Inspection have been further compacted and compacted, which has provided us with useful lessons. Supervision and discipline management “Four Forms ” is the proper meaning of fulfilling the main responsibility of Party committees and also the direction of deepening “three turns ” of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The ultimate responsibility of party committees is ultimately reflected in the strengthening of the party’s leadership, while the leadership of the party itself contains the management and supervision of party members and cadres. The supervision responsibility of the Commission for Discipline Inspection must never be
本文以西气东输二线管道工程主线路施工中X80钢在特殊地段管道连头为例,论述了SMAW(U)+SMAW(D)的焊接工艺。 This paper discusses the welding process of SMAW (U) + SMAW
热轧带钢厂现有加热炉不能满足优钢生产工艺要求,制约了带钢品种拓宽和质量提高。通过在加热炉上应用孔洞式全热滑轨技术,并采取相关的技术措施,钢坯加热质量有所提高。 Exi
很久以来我就在思考一个问题 ,有时觉得已经明白了 ,而且还写过文章 ;但当新的情况接踵而至 ,甚至以一种顽症的现象烦扰我时 ,又觉得明白得大大不够 ,还是要仔细琢磨下去。这