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随着目前我国改革开放的政策的深入落实,我国的经济的发展步入了一个全新的局面,经济的发展直接引起了制造业这个行业发展,但是现阶段我们也发现了在我国的制造业的发展当中还是存在着一些问题需要我们去解决,本文重点研究的就是最新的一种精益化管理模式在我国的制造业企业当中的应用和发展,该模式的出现意味着我国的经济发展与制造业的发展面临着重大的变革。精益化管理模式作为一种新生的模式,对于经济的宏观管理以及制造企业内部发展而言都有着非比寻常的意义。本文的笔者首先在有效的解释了精益化管理模式的基本理论的框架之后,结合了相关的案例(一汽集团)的发展有效阐述了该模式在制造业企业发展当中的重要性。最后本文的笔者在结合了有效的分析之后有效的总结出了如何有效的在我国的制造业企业中发展精益化管理的途径,希望通过此次分析可以有效的促进该模式在我国的制造业行业的发展,从而也能够有效的推动我国的制造业甚至是宏观经济的发展。 With the deepening implementation of the policy of China’s reform and opening up, China’s economy has entered a completely new situation. The economic development has directly aroused the development of the manufacturing industry. However, at this stage, we also found that the manufacturing industry in our country There are still some problems in the development that need us to solve. This article focuses on the application and development of the latest lean management model among the manufacturing enterprises in our country. The emergence of this model implies that the economic development and manufacturing in our country The development is facing major changes. As a nascent model, the lean management model has extraordinary significance for the macro-management of economy and the internal development of manufacturing enterprises. The author of this article firstly explains the importance of the model in the development of manufacturing enterprises after effectively explaining the framework of the basic theory of the lean management model and combining the development of related cases (FAW Group). Finally, the author of this article, after combining effective analysis, has effectively summed up how to effectively develop the lean management in the manufacturing enterprises in our country. I hope this analysis can effectively promote the model in China’s manufacturing industry Therefore, it can also effectively promote the development of China’s manufacturing industry and even macro economy.
近年来 ,企业为了拓展市场 ,扩大占有份额 ,采用了各种灵活多样的营销方式和手段 ,如增设销售网点 ,扩大经销、直销、代销等。但是 ,有些企业对销售收入的确认 ,往往只注重开
在美国的一个数学网站上,有图1这样一个图片,只有图,没有文字说明.这让人很迷惘:在大正方形当中作两个小正方形和2~(1/2)有什么关系啊? On a maths website in the United S
美国国家科学院和白宫科技办公室已经确定了联邦政府应该投资的四个研究领域,它们是界面和薄膜,作出决策和解决问题,蛋白质结构和生物功能,以及病毒性疾病的预防和治疗。 1.