
来源 :山西医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huxiangye
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由于白血病性的克隆抑制正常造血,周围血小板及骨髓中巨核细胞数目减少,患者多有出血表现;但少数患者血中血小板、骨髓中巨核细胞数正常或增多,形态异常。在FAB及国内急性白血病分型中,无关于异常巨核细胞的描述。现将我院132例急性白血病患者骨髓中巨核细胞生成情况报告如下,并讨论其病理意义。材料与方法 132例为我院1977~1988年住院患者,根据临床表现、血象、骨髓像及细胞化学确诊;分型根据1986年全国白血病治疗讨论会建议排除MDS。骨髓巨核细胞分型参考Itsoro-Jinnai分型法。132 Since leukemic clones inhibit normal hematopoiesis, the number of megakaryocytes in peripheral platelets and bone marrow is reduced, and patients have hemorrhagic manifestations. However, the blood platelets in a few patients have normal or increased numbers of megakaryocytes in bone marrow and abnormal morphology. There is no description of abnormal megakaryocytes in the FAB and the National Acute Leukemia classification. Now in our hospital 132 cases of acute leukemia in patients with bone marrow megakaryocyte generation is reported below, and discuss the pathological significance. Materials and Methods 132 cases were hospitalized in our hospital from 1977 to 1988, and were diagnosed according to clinical manifestations, blood images, bone marrow and cytochemistry. According to the 1986 National Leukemia Treatment Symposium, MDS was excluded. Marrow megakaryocyte type reference Itsoro-Jinnai classification. 132
In ocean engineering, the applications are usually related to a free surface which brings so many interesting physical phenomena (e.g. water waves, impacts, spl
<正> 五月二十二日下午,纪念抗日战争胜利六十周年暨世界反法西斯战争胜利六十周年"高恒杯"全国书法艺术大展新闻发布会在风光秀丽的中国旅游城市——浙江金华隆重举行。中国
展览时间:二○二二年四月二日—四月九日展览地点:巴黎中国文化中心主办单位:中国美术馆中国书法家协会巴黎中国文化中心协办单位:润庐(北京)文化有限公司 Exhibition time:
专业的新闻媒体需要某个领域的专家,但大众媒体需要更多的是杂家,不需要在某方面有很深的专业知识,但面一定要宽。 Professional news media require experts in one area,
从北美和欧州曾报告应用五种RFLP(Restri-ction Fragment Length Polymor p-hisms)系统方法检测高加索人群中Ⅸ因子基因。显示基因片断的内切酶有TaqⅠ,Xmn Ⅰ,Dde Ⅰ,MsP