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随着我国加入WTO和经济全球化进程的加快,国家间的竞争更加激烈,而竞争的焦点是人才间的竞争。我国要想取得竞争优势,就必须加强各类学生尤其是中学生的素质教育,为培养能适应国际竞争的新型人才奠定坚实的基础。经过十多年的努力,我国理论界、教育界对素质教育的内涵及必要性和迫切性已取得基本的共识。但目前中学生素质教育的实际效果还不能适应我国经济社会发展的客观要求,仍然存在学校片面追求高(中)考升学率、德育教育薄弱。教学环节重知识传授,忽视能力培养,教育评估体系不适应素质教育等这些都是制约我国中学生素质教育的突出问题应当引起全社会的关注和教育工作者的重视。一、要把素质教育落到实处。教育要面向全体学生,要打破课堂中心、教师中心、课本中心、提倡学生中心,以培养学生的创造能力和实践能力为宗旨,从而达到学以致用的目的。加强中学阶段的基 With China’s accession to the WTO and the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, the competition among nations is even more fierce. The focus of competition is the competition among talents. In order to gain a competitive advantage, our country must strengthen the quality education of all kinds of students, especially middle school students, and lay a solid foundation for cultivating new talents capable of adapting to international competition. After more than 10 years of hard work, our theoretical and educational communities have reached a basic consensus on the connotation, necessity and urgency of quality education. However, the actual effect of quality education for secondary school students can not meet the objective requirements of China’s economic and social development. There is still one-sided pursuit of high (middle) test scores and weak moral education. Teaching knowledge, imparting neglect, education evaluation system is not suitable for quality education, etc. These are the outstanding problems that constrain the quality education of middle school students in our country. All these should draw the attention of the whole society and the attention of educators. First, quality education should be implemented. Education should be for all students, to break the classroom center, teacher center, textbook center, to promote student centers, to develop students’ creative ability and practical ability for the purpose, so as to achieve the purpose of learning. Strengthen the base of secondary school
一、关于深化对江泽民总书记“七一”讲话重要意义的认识。 理解意义要充分领会李鹏同志在江泽民同志“七一”讲话后所作的概括,这是代表党中央作出的总体评价:“江泽民的重
华为3Com 在强化农信IT 建设中着重强调服务主导,承诺承担对用户的服务责任,而不去推诿,不把这个责任推给代理商和合作伙伴。 Huawei 3Com in strengthening the constructi
新世纪伊始,中国共产党迎来80岁生日。 80年来,中国共产党团结、凝聚、领导中国人民,艰苦卓绝。英勇奋斗,先是争得了民族独立、人民解放,后又经历了种种成功和失误的曲折历程.大风大浪
由全国总工会、国家教委、国 家科委、人事部、劳动部联合组成的全国职工自学成才奖评审委员会,日前正式确定了1997年度全国职工自学成才奖获得者名单,北京市李承德等58位职