NMR identification of anti-influenza lead compound targeting at PA_C subunit of H5N1 polymerase

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pathos_boy
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PA_C subunit from avian influenza(H5N1) viral RNA polymerase was used in this work as a target in the screening for anti-influenza agents from licorice-derived compounds.As a result,18β-glycyrrhetinic acid was suggested to be PA_C ligand by flexible docking,and was then confirmed by relaxation-edited NMR.The result of ApG primer extension assay indicated that this PA_C ligand can inhibit the polymerase activity,and thus may potentially be valuable as anti-influenza lead compound.This work validated the possibility of screening polymerase inhibitors by using PA_C as a target,and provided a starting point for the further discovery of new anti-influenza drugs. PA_C subunit from avian influenza (H5N1) viral RNA polymerase was used in this work as a target in the screening for anti-influenza agents from licorice-derived compounds. As a result, 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid was suggested to be PA_C ligand by flexible docking , and was then confirmed by a relaxed-compiled NMR. The result of the ApG primer extension assay indicated that this PA_C ligand can inhibit the polymerase activity, and thus may potentially be valuable as anti-influenza lead compound. This work validated the possibility of screening for the polymerase inhibitors by using PA_C as a target, and provide a starting point for the further discovery of new anti-influenza drugs.
我院自 1997~ 1998年 ,2年内共对各种原因引起难产行剖宫产术 2 0 0例 ,现将临床分析报告如下。1 头盆不称本文 4 8例 ,占 2 4 % ,包括骨盆轻度狭窄而新生儿体重在 350 0g以上
目的 :探讨B超介入引导下穿刺盆腔囊性肿物的诊治情况。方法 :回顾性分析 32例本病患者的临床资料。结果 :治疗盆腔囊性肿物 32例 ,38个囊肿 ,共治疗 5 3次 ,有效率 97 3% ,
 会阴切口缝合术后的会阴部不适仍然是困扰着许多妇女的问题 ,临床资料显示 ,随着人工合成缝合材料的临床应用 ,可以改善会阴缝合术后不适症状。我院自 97年采用高分子材料
目的 :探讨改进后的剖宫产术式的临床应用价值。方法 :取耻骨联合上 2~ 3cm ,较Pfahnenstie切口位置高 ,即stork横切口约 12~ 14cm ,钝性分离各层 ,进腹腔撒开腹膜 ,缝合子宫时
Large-area monolayer graphene samples grown on polycrystalline copper foil by thermal chemical vapor deposition with differing CH4 flux and growth time are inve