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1999年,河南省外贸出口逐步好转,较上年增长1%,遏止了持续下滑的势头。今后一段时期,为了拉动外贸出口的快速回升,尽量避免大起大落局面的出现,就必须继续实施市场多元化战略。从目前情况来看,非洲潜在的市场需求很大,与全省经济有很强的互补性。如出口企业选择非洲作 In 1999, the export of Henan Province gradually improved, an increase of 1% over the previous year, curbing the momentum of continued decline. In the coming period, in order to boost the rapid rebound of foreign trade exports and try to avoid the appearance of ups and downs, it is necessary to continue to implement the strategy of diversifying the market. Judging from the current situation, the potential market demand in Africa is very large and has strong complementarity with the province’s economy. Such as the export business choose Africa
硬件仿真已有四十年的发展历史,芯片复杂性的不断提高驱动了硬件仿真的发展(图P)。  “相比软件仿真,硬件仿真的速度快1000到20000倍;并且在软件仿真中不能找到症结所在,例如在Linux上运行的应用功率分析,进行性能分析,找到那些在数十亿时钟循环中的错误;硬件仿真器可以在芯片出来之前进行全面的软硬件验证。”Mentor Graphics公司硬件仿真部产品市场经理GabrielePulini称。
In the present study, graphene photonic crystals are employed to enhance the light extraction efficiency(LEE) of two-color, red and blue, light-emitting diode(L
分析了基本经济制度内含的 ,坚持以公有制为主体和多种所有制经济共同发展两个矛盾侧面的统一性 ,强调全面认识基本经济制度的重要性 ,批评了对基本经济制度两种片面性认识的
The continuous wave(CW) and passively Q-switched(PQS) performances of diode-pumped Nd:e(La_xGd_(1-x))_3Gd_5O_(12)(Nd:LaGGG) at 1.33 μmare achieved for the firs
发电机和主变采用扩大单元接线,因而对调速器及油压装置的要求就有一定的特殊性。 The generator and the main transformer use the expansion unit wiring, so the governo
针对英语学习的规律和小学生的特点,从小学生学习英语的兴趣出发,对小学英语的教学手段和能力培养进行系统的分析和论述。 According to the law of English learning and t
Anisotropic edge enhancement is simulated using a spiral phase plate(SPP) in optical scanning holography(OSH). We propose to use a delta function and an SPP as