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苏霍姆林斯基指出:“美是道德纯洁,精神丰富和体魄健全的有力源泉。美育最重要的任务是教会孩子能从周围世界(大自然、艺术、人们的关系)的美中看到精神的高尚、善良、真挚,并以此为基础确立自身的美”。(《帕夫雷什中学》教育科学出版社1983年版第424页) 历史教学中的美育,以生动、形象、具体、真实的审美客体为对象。以课堂内外的审美活动为过程,以培养学生健康、正确的审美观和审美情趣,获得美感为直接目的,以改造学生的主观世界,确立其自身的美。进而创造人类社会的物质文明和精神文明为最终目的。由此可见,美育也是情感教育,又与智育相辅相成,并生动有力地完成德育的任务。历史教学中美育的审美对象很多,有古今中外 Sukhomlinski pointed out: “The United States is a powerful source of moral purity, spiritual enrichment and physical integrity. The most important task of aesthetic education is to teach children to see from the beauty of the surrounding world (the relationship between nature, art and people). The spirit is noble, kind and sincere, and based on this, establishes its own beauty.” (Pavresh Middle School, Educational Science Press, 1983, p. 424) The aesthetic education in history teaching aims at vivid, vivid, concrete, and authentic aesthetic objects. Taking the aesthetic activities inside and outside the classroom as a process, to cultivate students’ health, correct aesthetics and aesthetic interests, to obtain beauty as a direct purpose, to transform the subjective world of students and establish their own beauty. This will create the material and spiritual civilization of the human society as its ultimate goal. It can thus be seen that aesthetic education is also an emotional education, which complements intellectual education and accomplishes the task of moral education vigorously and effectively. There are many aesthetic objects of aesthetic education in history teaching, both ancient and modern.
[小引] 2002年春季招生高考作文题阅读下面一首诗,根据要求作文。一个海员, 他最喜欢的是起锚所激起的那一片洁白的浪花……一个海员, 最使他高兴的是抛锚所发出的那一阵铁