Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of pentagamavunon-0 against carbon tetrachloride-induced h

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbcat1982
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Objective:To investigate the hepatoproteetivc ami antioxidant activity of pentagamavunon-0(PGV-0) against CCl-4-induced hepatic injury in rats.Methods:The groups of animals were administered with PGV-0 at die doses 2.5.5,10,and 20 mg/kg b.w.,p.o.once in a day for 6 days and at day 7 the animals were administrated with carbon tetrachloride(CClj)(20%,2 ml/kg b.w.in liquid paraffin dp.).The effect of PGV-0 on serum transaminase(SGPT),alkaline phosphates(ALP and total bilirubin were determined in CCl-4-indueed hepatotoxicity in rats.Further,the effects of PGV-0 on glutathione(GSU) content,cutalase(CAT) and NO free radical scavenging activity also were investigated.Results:The results demonstrated that PCV-0 significantly reduced the activity of SGPT,serum ALP and total bilirubin in CCl-4 induced rat hepatotoxicity.PGV-0 has effect on the antioxidant and free radical defense system.It prevented the depletion level of GSH and decrease activity of CAT in CCl-4-induced liver injury in rats.PCV-0 also demonstrated the free radical scavenger effects on NO free radical scavenging activity with ES value of 32.32μM. Convulsion:All of our findings suggests that PGV-0 could protect the liver cells from CCl-4- induced liver damages and the mechanism may through the antioxidative effect of PGV-0 to prevent the accumulation of free radicals and protect the liver damage. Objective: To investigate the hepatoprotective activity of pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0) against CCl-4-induced hepatic injury in rats. Methods: The groups of animals were administered with PGV-0 at die doses 2.5.5, 10, and 20 mg / kg bw, poonce in a day for 6 days and at day 7 the animals were administered with carbon tetrachloride (CClj) (20%, 2 ml / kg bwin liquid paraffin dp.) The effect of PGV- 0 on serum transaminase (SGPT), alkaline phosphates (ALP and total bilirubin were determined in CCl-4-indueed hepatotoxicity in rats. Future, the effects of PGV-0 on glutathione (GSU) content, cutalase (CAT) and NO free radical scavenging activity also were investigated. Results: The results demonstrated that PCV-0 significantly reduced the activity of SGPT, serum ALP and total bilirubin in CCl-4 induced rat hepatotoxicity. PGV-0 has effect on the antioxidant and free radical defense system. It prevented the depletion level of GSH and decrease activity of CAT in CCl-4-induced liver injury in rats. PCV -0 also demonstrated the free radical scavenger effects on NO free radical scavenging activity with ES value of 32.32 μM. Convulsion: All of our findings suggests that PGV-0 could protect the liver cells from CCl-4-induced liver damages and the mechanism may through the antioxidative effect of PGV-0 to prevent the accumulation of free radicals and protect the liver damage.
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