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这是去年5至7月份,在四川省衛生厅直接領导下的省專医院业务技术辅导组,深入名山县公社期間,具体帮助雅安专区名山县蒙山人民公社制药厂所做出的一件新事。今介绍给大家。自己生产注射刑,这是当地人民的迫切要求,也是形势发展的需要随着人民公社的建立和巩固,人民文化生活水平有了很大的提高,他們对予医药衛生的要求也随着更加迫切,因此农村衛生工作有了迅速的發展,普遍地建立起了医疗预防網,四川省名山县也不例外。全县16万人口,除有县医院、防疫組各一个以外,13个公社就有14个公社医院,产院还要多于14个,下面管理区还有保健院、保健所。而且在这同时根据省卫生厅党委的指示,組成了省专医院业务技术辅愤愤组,深入名由县各公社进行業务技术辅导,以办训练班等各种方式。迅速地提高着名由县县医院、各公社医院的医疗技术水平和医疗質量。医疗预防綱的建立和各级衛生人员医疗技术水平的提高,根本上改变了过去农村卫生工作落后的面貌,衛生工作蓬勃地开展起来。紧跟着新的医疗态度和作風的进一步树立,以及新的医疗措施 This is from May to July last year, under the direct leadership of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Health Provincial Hospital Technical Services Group, in-depth Mingshan commune, specifically to help the Ya’an Prefecture Mingshan County People’s Commune Pharmaceutical Factory made a New thing. This introduction to everyone. This is the pressing demand of the local people and also the need for the development of the situation. With the establishment and consolidation of the people’s communes, the people’s cultural life has greatly improved, and their demands for medical and health care have become more urgent Therefore, the rapid development of rural health work has generally established a network of medical prevention, and Miaoshan County in Sichuan Province is no exception. The county 160,000 population, in addition to county hospitals, epidemic prevention groups one each, 13 communes have 14 commune hospitals, but also more than 14 maternity homes, the following management area there are health centers, health centers. And at the same time, according to instructions of the Party Committee of Provincial Health Department, it formed anger and anger group of provincial specialized hospital business technology, and deepened the name and manner of business and technical counseling by communes and communes to run training courses. Rapidly improve the medical technology and medical quality of the famous hospitals by county, commune. The establishment of a medical precaution program and the improvement of medical technology at all levels of health workers fundamentally changed the backwardness of health work in rural areas in the past and the health work was vigorously carried out. Followed by the further establishment of a new medical attitude and style, as well as new medical measures
This article studies the degree distribution property of low density parity check (LDPC) codes by Gaussian approximation (GA) and presents an efficient hybrid a
论述了黑龙江省红松阔叶林区珍贵树种资源保护区规划体系,并对珍贵树种资源迁地和就地保护建设提出意见。 Discusses the planning system of precious tree species resour
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本文根据湖南省天然林资源的现状,结合保护实施方案,对湖南天然林保护与林业可持续发展进行了探讨,并提出了初步实施措施. Based on the status quo of natural forest reso