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针对1986年第四期征答,我们发表了何应森的稿件。他的基本论点是正确的,但并不是标准答案。这里补充一些我们的意见。我们在问题征答中提出了一个命题:除去一条定律外所有科学基本定律都是可逆的。热力学第二定律就是那唯一的例外。何应森正确地说明熵在孤立体系中趋于增加,而不能倒过来。这样的推理引出一个使所有科学家,甚至哲学家感到困惑的难题。如果是这样,那么从现今倒退回去,总到退到一个点,那里一切都是完全有组织的,而且时间不能再退后了,因为再一后退,就意味着组织性还不够完全,组织性不完全说明这还不是时间坐标的起点。我们的宇宙就是从这一点,从物质和能量绝对组织化的一点发展的,而发展则是组织化程度的降低,熵的增加。起点固然不易想象,“终点”则更难理解。如果按第二定律所推断的,我们的宇宙就无限的滑下去,有没有尽头? 显然,还需要进一步研究。 For the fourth issue of 1986, we published the manuscript of He Yingsen. His basic argument is correct, but not the standard answer. Here to add some of our comments. We raised a proposition in the question answering: All except for a law of the basic laws of science are reversible. The second law of thermodynamics is the only exception. He Yingsen correctly shows that entropy tends to increase in an isolated system and can not be reversed. Such reasoning leads to a puzzle that puzzles all scientists, even philosophers. If so, go backward now and retreat to a point where everything is fully organized, and time can no longer be taken back, because going backwards means that the organization is not yet complete and organized Not exactly that this is not the starting point for time coordinates. From this point on, our universe develops from the absolute organization of matter and energy, while its development is characterized by a decrease in the degree of organization and an increase in entropy. While starting point is hard to imagine, “end point” is more difficult to understand. If we deduce from the second law that our universe will slide down indefinitely, is there any end? Obviously, further research is needed.
Imaging workup of patients referred for elective assessment of chest disease requires an articulated approach: Imaging is asked for achieving timely diagnosis.
126例2型糖尿病患者1∶1随机分组,每日服用格列美脲2 mg(1次服用或分2次服用).测空腹和三餐后2h血糖,计算它们的极差和标准差;检测HbA1C.结果显示两种服用方式降糖效力相当,但一次服用血糖波动较小。
1 临床资料患者男,46岁。主诉全身皮肤无明显诱因瘙痒,手指遇冷变紫色2年,乏力3个月于2006-03-20入河北省平乡县人民医院。患者于2004年春天,无诱因出现全身皮肤瘙痒,无皮疹